On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, actor/producer Mike O’Malley promotes his new comedy series “Survivor’s Remorse,” which follows a basketball star and his family. “How much fun is it doing this great series?,” asks Mike Barnicle referring to O’Malley’s creative freedom and working closely with NBA star and executive producer LeBron James on the show. Watch the conversation here and catch O’Malley’s true-life inspired show on Starz.
Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle talks to Dr. Peter Diamandis, Chairman and CEO of XPRIZE, about the foundation’s $20 million global competition to innovate new technologies that will convert CO₂ emissions from power plants and industrial facilities into alternative, valuable products. “How is this going to work?,” asks Mike. Listen to Dr. Diamandis expand on the goals and incentives of the Carbon XPrize as a response to the world’s large energy and environmental challenges. On MSNBC.
Christopher R. Hill, dean of the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver and former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, joins MSNBC’s Morning Joe and talks with Mike Barnicle about the strategy in fighting ISIS inside Syria. “There are a lot of moving parts in the Middle East, as we all know. But now, in Syria, with the insertion of a Russian presence on the ground, what does that speak to in terms of our policy or, as some would claim, our lack of policy?,” asks Mike. Listen to Hill’s answer here and how growing leadership complications inside Syria are aiding ISIS.
On MSNBC, Republican presidential candidate and New Jersey governor Chris Christie discusses with Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle his approach in funding infrastructure. “The country is falling apart. The federal gas tax has not been raised since 1993. Would you sign a bill calling for a one or two cent increase on the federal gas tax?,” asks Mike in reference to the pending highway bill in Congress. Watch the discussion here and listen to Gov. Christie defend his reasoning for not wanting to raise the gas tax.
“The United States has spent an enormous amount of money trying to train soldiers in Syria… why hasn’t it worked? Who is responsible for the failure— us or them?,” asks Mike Barnicle of Vali Nasr, a member of the State Department’s Foreign Affairs Policy Board, and Khaled Khoja, president of the Syrian National Council. Listen to the conversation on why the failures in the fight against ISIS inside Syria are both military and diplomatic. Only on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.
Following yesterday’s extended questioning of Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards by congressional Republicans, U.S. Representative Diane Black (R-TN), who introduced a bill to defund Planned Parenthood, is asked by Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle about the House committee hearing. “Can you recall ever grilling a guy about his salary the way Richards was grilled about her salary?,” asks Mike. Listen to Rep. Black’s answer here. Only on MSNBC.
The Washington Post’s David Ignatius and Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle continue the conversation on Russia’s increased involvement inside Syria in the fight against ISIS. “Yesterday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was asked whether he could conceive of a phase where the U.S. would be aligned with Russia in fighting ISIS and he said he could—what do you think?,” asks Mike of Ignatius. Watch the discussion here, along with details of a new, bipartisan Congressional report that claims the U.S. is losing the battle against ISIS’ recruitment and propaganda, and listen to Ignatius’ thoughts on why the U.S. stepping back and the Russians stepping forward might be perceived as destabilizing.
Former U.S Treasury official Steven Rattner joins Morning Joe and talks with Mike Barnicle about the differences and similarities in the tax cut proposals submitted by Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Jeb Bush, both of which favor the wealthiest Americans. “Does any aspect of the corporate side of Trump’s tax plan appeal to you or do you think would work?,” asks Mike of Rattner. Listen to Rattner’s straightforward analysis of the tax proposals and whether they’ll work or not. On MSNBC.
On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle reports on NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden’s decision to join Twitter. Snowden gained more than 300,000 followers within the first two hours alone. On Snowden’s decision to open up with the dated Verizon commercial joke “Can you hear me now?” Mike says: “Well, he’s been away.” Watch the report here and take a look at Snowden’s Twitter account at https://twitter.com/snowden.
”What are the risks for the Russians inserting themselves into Syria? We know what happened to the Russians and to us in Afghanistan. Is there a similar threat here that Russia gets sucked into Syria in a situation that they find difficult to extract themselves from?,” asks Mike Barnicle of The Washington Post’s David Ignatius following Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to intervene military inside Syria to combat ISIS. Watch the discussion on MSNBC’s Morning Joe and listen to Ignatius’ response and why he thinks Russia is not any more likely to have military success in Syria than the U.S.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry talks with Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle about the approach in dealing with Russia’s Vladimir Putin and finding a way forward in tackling the conflicts inside Syria, including addressing concerns over Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Russia’s ongoing involvement in Ukraine. “During the course of the meeting with President Putin yesterday, what were the points of agreement? Could you envision the United States and Russia in some form of an alliance down the road against ISIS?,” asks Mike. Watch the conversation and listen to Secretary Kerry’s response and vision for the future of Syria. Only on MSNBC.
Following yesterday’s conflicting speeches on Syria by President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin, differing on the central question of whether Syrian President Bashar al-Assad should stay in power, the Council on Foreign Relations’ Richard Haass joins MSNBC’s Morning Joe and shares his analysis of the situation and divergent end games. Asks Mike Barnicle: “Given the present situation, which of those views [American or Russian] would you consider more realistic in terms of combating and defeating ISIS?” Hear the conversation here and Haass’s view on why neither approach will work.
With Vice President Joe Biden’s favorability numbers climbing among potential voters considering him for the Presidency, despite his not having yet decided to enter the race, Mike Barnicle and the Morning Joe panel discuss what his popularity means for the election in general. “Those numbers really would indicate more of a worry about Hillary Clinton’s candidacy than the hope for Joe Biden’s candidacy, no?,” asks Mike. Watch the discussion on MSNBC and listen to Mike’s opinion about whether Vice President Biden will decide to run or not.
On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, political economist and author Robert Reich talks with Mike Barnicle about the breakdown of the American economic system. “Can you define the aspirations of the middle class today as opposed to 30 years ago?,” asks Mike. Listen to Reich’s analysis of today’s middle class here.
On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle talks with Dell’s Entrepreneur-in-Residence Elizabeth Gore and director/producer Alexandra Pelosi about the new film “San Francisco: 2.0,” which looks at how affluent tech companies are changing the city. “You’ve got an environment where they’re just gobbling up territory after territory,” says Mike. Watch the full conversation on the challenges and inequality that comes with a tech boom and watch a clip from the new HBO documentary here.
“As this incredibly complex tapestry continues to play out in the Middle East, what do you think our few allies around that region, particularly the Saudis… what is their impression of American strength in the region given the nature of what’s going on?” asks Mike Barnicle of Richard Stengel, Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs. Listen to Stengel’s response on U.S. power relations inside the Middle East following Russian President Vladimir Putin’s positioning of troops in Syria and intelligence sharing agreement with Iraq. On MSNBC’s Morning Joe.
U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) joins MSNBC’s Morning Joe and talks with Mike Barnicle about recent allegations of high-ranking tampering of intelligence reports on the fight against ISIS. “What do you know about that report? How has it impacted our strategy in Syria and the Middle East?What do you think is the future of this intelligence estimate report?,” asks Mike of Sen. McCain referring to a recent New York Times investigation that claims intelligence on ISIS was distorted in order to present a rosier picture. Hear what Sen. McCain has to say about the accusations.
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer joins MSNBC’s Morning Joe and shares with Mike Barnicle his mixed feelings on the possibility of allowing cameras inside the Court. “Does it bother you at all that many Americans regard the Court as operating behind a shroud of secrecy… that it’s not as open as other institutions are?,” asks Mike. Listen to Justice Breyer defend and describe the U.S. Supreme Court’s transparency.
Following Rep. John Boehner’s (R-OH) resignation as Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives last week, Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle talks with former Congressman and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) about the difficulty of leading in today’s Congress. “As leaders, how do you allow a small handful of rigid ideologues to put all of you in the backseat with a kamikaze pilot and take the whole thing down?,” asks Mike. Listen to Cantor’s response on the complicated nature of compromising with a legislative body that is continuously in campaign mode. On MSNBC.
“It was an overwhelming six days,” says Mike Barnicle of Pope Francis’ now concluded, three-city trip to the U.S. “Maybe the volume in our politics will be turned down a bit, just for a while, just for relief from what they usually do with their rhetoric, if they listened to this man and what he had to say,” continues Mike on the Pope’s messages to America. Watch highlights of Pope Francis’ final day in Philadelphia and listen to Mike’s reflections on the Pope’s impact here. Only on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.