Search Results for: "hillary clinton"
Mike Barnicle on the Clintons’ reluctance to respond to Donald Trump’...

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle addresses the Clintons’ new reluctance to respond to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s latest attacks. “Her best bet is to be talking about Iran, Saudi Arabia, ISIS… play her strong card,” says Mike of leading Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Watch the conversation here, along with clips of Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton’s approach to questions about Trump on the campaign trail.

Mike Barnicle: “I’m like a lot of people, lost in the maze of (Hillary’s) ...

Continuing the conversation about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s slide in the polls due to her ongoing email controversy, Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle analyzes the overall frustration with Clinton campaign’s approach: “I’m like a lot of people, lost in the maze of emails. I am now focused on the perception that she has fed, that has led to the frailty of her campaign, as to why haven’t they just dumped out all the emails….’Here they are!’ If they are so competent, which they are in many other aspects, politically and personally, then why didn’t they just dump all these emails out? What are they hiding?.” Watch the discussion on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

Mike Barnicle’s Advice To Hillary’s Suff...

Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle tells Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton how to improve her campaign.

Read his recommendation here in The Daily Caller.

Mike Barnicle’s Advice To Hillary’s Suffering Campaign: Clean House

Mike Barnicle the Clinton’s consistent insider methods of conducting business

“The answer is: That’s who they are,” says Mike Barnicle in response to questions and criticisms of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton’s consistent insider methods of conducting business. “It’s not that they don’t care, that’s who they are… cut a corner, trim…” continues Mike. Watch the Morning Joe panel’s conversation about the Clintons here. On MSNBC.

For The Daily Beast: Authentic Biden Vs....

Amid new speculation that Vice President Joe Biden will make another run for the presidency, Mike Barnicle’s latest column for The Daily Beast takes a close look at VP Biden’s character—one forged by tragedy, loss, family, and faith—and contrasts it with that of Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton. “He is, perhaps, the least complicated man in public life. It’s all right there, on display, for anyone and everyone to hear and see, to criticize or applaud. There is no filter, sometimes to his detriment. There is never any pretense. There is never, not ever, any attempt to hide or even disguise an emotion. Nobody wonders who Joe Biden is,” writes Mike of the Vice President. In contrast, Mike sums up the question nagging Hillary Clinton: “…it hovers above Hillary Clinton like a crop duster with a full tank of gas. It’s been there for nearly three decades. It’s always there, won’t go away and seems as if it’s never really fully answered and it is this: Who is she? Really, who is she?” Read the entire column and Mike’s profile of Joe Biden here.

Authentic Biden Vs. Hillary’s Mystery

Mike Barnicle on the bond between former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. B...

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, TIME Magazine’s Editor Nancy Gibbs and Washington Bureau Chief Michael Duffy discuss their recent cover story on the unlikely bond between former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. “Unsurprisingly, part of this relationship has its roots in the temperament and good nature of 41, George H.W. Bush, and a note that he left for Bill Clinton in the Oval Office,” says Mike Barnicle, bringing the focus back on the significance of former President George H.W. Bush’s initial comments towards President Clinton: “By the time you read this, I’ll be rooting for you.” Watch the discussion on the relationship and how it impacts Hillary Clinton’s and Jeb Bush’s current presidential campaigns. Read the TIME article at

Mike Barnicle on donations received by The Clinton Foundation

Mike Barnicle, the Morning Joe team, and former DNC chief Howard Dean discuss the latest accusations against Hillary Clinton over donations received by The Clinton Foundation. “[The Clintons] are awash with money stories. Wouldn’t you advise her to address this at some point?,” Mike asks of former Gov. Dean, a Clinton supporter. Watch the conversation here. On MSNBC.


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Race Is All the Clintons Have Left

Sitting there on the set, listening to the endless wrap-ups and explanation of the exit polls, I was on the verge of faking my own death on national TV in order to go talk to myself about the obvious, unspoken equation in the little there is left to this fight between Obama and Clinton. The beast that is nearly always there in American life, the danger that rustles the shrubs at the edge of our daily existence — race — was routinely ignored in the recitation of numbers pouring out of North Carolina and Indiana.

Now, faced with a mathematical mountain climb that even Stephen Hawking could not ascend, the Clintons — and it is indeed both of them — are just about to paste a bumper sticker on the rear of the collapsing vehicle that carries her campaign. It reads: VOTE WHITE.

That’s the underlying message propping up a failed candidate. Check it out, you superdelegates: the buttoned down black guy is having trouble with blue collar white guys so cast your vote with the white chick who has transformed herself into an arm-wrestling, shot and a beer, kitchen table advocate for the working class and now it’s on to West Virginia and Kentucky where she’ll prove it.

So, after all the years they have been with us, after all the triumph and tastelessness, the accomplishments and embarrassments, we’re about to watch them act out an updated, mixed gender re-make of Thelma and Louise with Bill behind the wheel, the two of them sharing a knowing look, a wink, in the front seat as they take the Democrat party right off the cliff, the whole thing crashing and burning in a racial divide both he and she sought to heal all those years ago in Little Rock and then Washington.

Look at the numbers, the Clintons say: Your son didn’t get into the college that was his first choice but the black kid with lower SATs did? Your brother didn’t get the civil service slot on the fire department because he was white and there is an unspoken quota? You didn’t get the promotion because corporate diversity policy mutely suggested a person of color get it? Your kid is being bused an hour and half a day to a public school with low reading scores?

Scratch a sore, baby. Vote for Clinton.

Her campaign began — When? Last year? Last century? It moved across the landscape a summer ago like a cash cow, arriving at each stop surrounded by an air of incumbent expectancy, never sensing, never seeing the black guy who had the audacity to get in her way.

It was a campaign run and dominated by a fat, arrogant pollster, this Penn who once conspired to concoct a question in order to figure out where the Clintons would swim one summer. Martha’s Vineyard or Wyoming? In the past few weeks, Geoff Garin has turned Hillary Clinton into a very formidable candidate by doing something that apparently never occurred to the numbers cruncher Penn: Having her behave like a human being. Clearly, if Garin had been in the driver’s seat from the start of this spectacle, Obama would have a lot more time to watch White Sox home games.

But presidential politics does not exist in the land of ‘what if.’ It is an exhausting, seemingly endless process, fueled by money and ego and an ability to withstand mistakes of commission or omission as well as hands coming out of the recent past, like the strangling grip of Jeremiah Wright, a racist himself, who still might inhibit any chance of an Obama success.

It’s been an amazing ride, this whole campaign. It has three actors left on the stage, all with compelling personal stories to tell in this land of ours, itself the greatest story ever told. Everyone knows McCain’s history, an epic of the age. And more and more are getting to know Obama’s; a black guy from Chicago who, two, three years ago, would have had difficulty hailing a cab on a rainy afternoon in midtown Manhattan because of his skin color, suddenly within striking distance of being nominated for president by one of our two major political parties.

And Hillary Clinton, always ambitious, an over-achiever, tough, smart and resilient. And now on the edge of writing a truly ugly chapter for all to see.

BARNICLE’S VIEW ON WTKK: Clinton and Obama campaigns and the upcoming prim...

5/5/08: Clinton and Obama campaigns and the upcoming primaries

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“Barnicle’s View”, with Mike Barnicle, Imus in the Morning, Monday-Wednesday-Friday, 6:55a & 8:55a.

The damage caused on conspiracy theories

Morning Joe veteran columnist Mike Barnicle and Lawfare Blog editor-in-chief Benjamin Wittes discuss how oft-repeated conspiracy theories can become salient in the context of an election regardless of merit, and how that applies to former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton being cleared by the State Department of any deliberate mishandling of classified information contained in her emails. Listen in on the conversation here.

POTUS attorney Jay Sekulow on Morning Joe

“Jay, the language of acceptance of the verdict from the President…was not exactly, you know, ‘the thing is over. Let’s move on as a country.’ To your knowledge, is the President going to continue to insist on reopening investigations of Hillary Clinton?” asks Morning Joe contributor Mike Barnicle of Jay Sekulow, attorney to President Donald Trump, following special counsel Robert Mueller finding no evidence that President Donald Trump or any of his associates coordinated with the Russian government’s 2016 election interference. Listen to Sekulow’s response here about how he believes the country can best move on in the wake of the Mueller report findings.

AG Jeff Sessions Pushes Back

While the Morning Joe panel talks about Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ hearing before the House Judiciary Committee, particularly Sessions’ heated exchange with Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) over requests for a second special counsel to investigate former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, veteran columnist Mike Barnicle explains: “This is an attempt, a concerted attempt, by the President of the United States and allies within the House of Representatives, clearly Jim Jordan – the guy without a coat from Ohio – to turn the Justice Department into just a political property of the President, to inflict politic into the Justice Department, which would affect the morale of the Justice Department.” Listen to more of the discussion here.

Donna Brazile on Morning Joe

“Donna…why is it that you and several other people, who I respect greatly, could not get to the Clinton campaign two, three weeks out before the election with the fact that they were incompetent, that they were depending on algorithms rather than common sense, that they had no sense of scheduling going to industrial states like Wisconsin and Ohio. Why is it that so many people either were mute, reluctant or unable to crash into that inner circle and tell them ‘you’re going to lose the election?’” asks Morning Joe senior contributor Mike Barnicle of former Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile during a conversation about her new book “Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House” that details the shortcomings of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Listen to Brazile’s response here.

POTUS: Hypocrisy with a capital H

“Josh, other than hypocrisy with a capital H on the part of the President of the United States talking about Hillary Clinton’s emails, do we know whether or not there are any classified elements in the personal emails sent out by Jared Kushner?” asks Morning Joe veteran columnist Mike Barnicle of Politico White House reporter Josh Dawsey during a conversation about White House aide Jared Kushner having used a private email account for some White House business. Listen to Dawsey’s response here.

Do Americans Care?

“You pick up the feeling out in the ordinary America where most Americans do in fact live, work, breathe, and hope for a better life…that the only people paying attention to Donald Trump and Sean Spicer are lawyers and members of the media. Other than that, people are going through their lives each and every day,” comments Morning Joe veteran columnist Mike Barnicle during the ongoing conversation about the White House’s shifting reasons for the Donald Trump Jr. meeting with a Russian lawyer during the election process after being promised damaging information on then presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Listen to the latest on the topic here.

The Ongoing War on the Media

While the Morning Joe panel reviews President Donald Trump’s statements that defended the meeting his son – Donald Trump Jr. – had with a Russian lawyer after being promised damaging information on then presidential opponent Hillary Clinton, veteran columnist Mike Barnicle adds: “(POTUS) also did one other thing with that statement: He maintained his consistency in the war against the media…when he said the Russian lawyer got her visa from Attorney General Lynch. You know how you get a visa: You go to a consulate in your own country or to the American Embassy in Moscow. But there is a percentage of people who will believe that” you call the Attorney General to procure a visa. Listen in on the discussion here and watch highlights of President Trump’s statements concerning the Russia investigation here.

Is Ignorance a Defense?

“Bob Bauer, I’d like to ask you on behalf of low IQ people everywhere: I’m sitting in a meeting on June 9th and I’ve got an attorney from Russia coming in, offering potential dirt on an opponent of my father running for President of the United States. Can my defense today be: ‘I was just stupid, I didn’t know anything about the law.’ Is ignorance a defense here?” asks Morning Joe veteran columnist Mike Barnicle of attorney and former White House Counsel Bob Bauer as the panel talks about Donald Trump Jr. – President Donald Trump’s son – having emails that spell out a meeting with a Russian lawyer during the election process after being promised damaging information on then presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Listen to Bauer’s response here.

Special Treatment for Kushner?

In the ongoing discussion of the President’s son – Donald Trump Jr. – and his now-public emails about a meeting with a Russian lawyer during the election process to receive damaging information on then presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Morning Joe veteran columnist Mike Barnicle asks MSNBC justice and security analyst Matthew Miller: “With regard to this one young man who is an employee of the federal government working at the White House, Jared Kushner. He has as high a security clearance as you can have, and yet he did not have the judgment after receiving those emails to realize that this was just wrong — that Russia is not our friend; Russia is our enemy. So, what would be the process now of revoking that security clearance?” Hear Miller’s response about the preferential treatment being afforded POTUS’s son-in-law Jared Kushner.

Trump Jr.: Right v. Wrong

“I don’t know what the exact definition of collusion is. I’m not a lawyer. But I do know what the exact definition of right and wrong is, and this was wrong,” says Morning Joe veteran columnist Mike Barnicle during a panel conversion about recently uncovered emails that show that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer during the election process after being promised damaging information on then presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. “I also know that the emails prove beyond a shadow of the doubt when the President of the United States said in Europe that nobody really knows whether Russia was involved. Well, we now know for sure that Russia was involved, and we now know for sure that Donald Trump Jr. sat there and was willing to participate with Russia.” Listen to more of the discussion here.

Donald Trump Jr. and Russia

“I’ve covered a lot of campaigns. I know a lot of people who work in campaigns. If someone comes into a campaign office to see the campaign manager, or the brother, or the son of the candidate and says: ‘Hey, I have some great stuff from Russia. A Russian guy gave me this stuff.’ And, everything like that: You know what you do? – you call Clint,” says Morning Joe veteran columnist Mike Barnicle as he references former FBI Agent Clint Watts, a panelist on the show, during the ongoing discussion about The New York Times reports that Donald Trump Jr. – President Donald Trump’s son – was told in an email of Russia’s effort to aid the Trump campaign, ahead of Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer he believed would offer him damaging information on then presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Listen to more of the discussion here and what might be next in the Trump Administration investigation.