On the heels of President Barack Obama’s participation in the bipartisan Catholic-Evangelical Leadership Summit on Overcoming Poverty, Mike Barnicle and Joe Scarborough debate whether the President’s remarks where divisive or not. The President called to task Fox News and the media in reporting on poverty. Joe called the President out for “arrogance” in his remarks. And Mike disagreed with Joe, saying:
“The entire conversation revealed an aspect of the President that I think is wholly admirable, because he has a grip on a big problem in this country today: We no longer know who the poor are,” says Mike of the President’s approach toward tackling poverty in America. “Being poor is the hardest job in America.” Listen in on the conversation on MSNBC’S Morning Joe.
Live from the scene in Philadelphia after surviving the deadly Amtrak train derailment, former Congressman Patrick Murphy (D-PA) shares his experience with Mike Barnicle and the Morning Joe team. “You’ve served this country in war and in Congress, and now you’re a private citizen. Based on your experiences thus far, how frustrated and angry are you to know we live in a country where you drive beneath bridges that are crumbling, on roads that are falling apart, on trains that are on rails that haven’t been improved in 30 to 40 years, and we have a Congress that sits there and does very little in terms of Americans’ everyday needs?,” asks Mike of the former lawmaker. Hear Mr. Murphy’s response here. Only on MSNBC.
Mike Barnicle talks with Ret. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, former commander of American and coalition forces in Afghanistan, about his new book “Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World,” which suggests applying new lessons from war to better organize businesses, nonprofits, and other organizations. Listen to Gen. McChrystal share his views on the complexities and benefits of forming small teams. Only on MSNBC”s Morning Joe.
As recent turmoil in Baltimore has put the spotlight back on the lack of economic prospects across urban and underprivileged communities, Mike Barnicle and the Morning Joe team talk about possible solutions toward reducing poverty in America. “The trick is to increase access to opportunity through enhanced education and relocate companies to the inner-city,” suggests Mike. Hear the conversation here. Only on MSNBC.
On Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle and Steven Rattner, former Counselor to the Secretary of the Treasury and an economic analyst for MSNBC’s Morning Joe, discuss King Salman of Saudi Arabia’s decision to skip President Barack Obama’s meetings with Arab leaders during the Gulf Cooperation Council this week. “The earth—literally—is shifting beneath Saudi Arabia. We are no longer reliant on Saudi Arabia for oil as much as we were, they are surrounded by the threat of Iran and the Arab unrest,” says Mike of what could be seen as a snub by Saudi Arabia. Learn more about the situation here. On MSNBC.
NBC Sports’ Bob Costas joins the Morning Joe team to discuss Deflategate and the NFL’s punishment of the New England Patriots. “In your experience—which is extensive—with the NFL, do you think there are any other teams that fool around with the footballs? asks Mike Barnicle. Listen to the conversation here. Only on MSNBC.
Dr. Frances Jensen, author of The Teenage Brain, talks with Mike Barnicle and the Morning Joe team about the difference in raising teenagers now with all the technological advancements of the day. “Raising a teenager is so drastically different today given all the social media. What happens with their attention span?,” asks Mike of Dr. Jensen. Hear how she explains the teenage brain functions differently than the adult brain and that benefit on learning. On MSNBC.
On Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle talks with U.S. Senators Bob Casey (D-PA) and Dean Heller (R-NV) about their bipartisan effort to address the Veterans Affairs’ disability claims backlog with comprehensive legislation. “What takes so long in the United States Senate to take care of [veterans]?,” asks Mike. Hear the discussion of the backlog issues and the new bill here. On MSNBC.
On the subject of stimulating job creation across America by providing companies with tax breaks, Mike Barnicle asks U.S. Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez how the opportunity can help build companies in the country’s inner cities. “Is there anything that can be done to build places and factories where jobs are available for a specific neighborhood, because it makes no sense to have a job available if you can’t get to the job?” Listen to Secy. Perez’s full response on Morning Joe. Only on MSNBC.
Mike Barnicle and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio joke about growing up in Massachusetts and their shared pride in being Red Sox fans. Watch their conversation here. On Morning Joe. Only on MSNBC.
On Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle talks with Jeremy Travis, President of John Jay College of Criminal Justice, about prison reform and the need to address mental illness within the justice system. “The cost of incarceration in this country is phenomenal. What do we do about the mentally ill already in the justice system, and those outside waiting to be institutionalized?,” asks Mike. Listen to their conversation here. On MSNBC.
George J. Mitchell, former U.S. Senator and U.S. Special Envoy for Middle East Peace, whose memoir “The Negotiator” is out this week, discusses with Mike Barnicle the chances for peace in the Middle East. Mike asks: “Is it just an impossible task?” Sen. Mitchell believes it is possible. But how? Hear his response. On MSNBC’s Morning Joe.
On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle talks with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), member of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, about the delicate balance of security and privacy concerns as foreign-influenced terrorist threats continue to increase in the U.S. “Do you worry at all that this increased threat of jihadism here will mean further invasions of people’s rights to privacy in this country?,” asks Mike. Listen to Sen. Manchin’s response here.
On Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle interviews former CIA and NSA director Gen. Michael Hayden about combating ISIS’s massive effort to recruit terrorists online. “How do we cope with ISIS’s 90,000 social messages per day, around the world, to potential jihadists?,” asks Mike. Hear what Gen. Hayden has to say about this growing threat. Only on MSNBC.
Following this week’s terrorist attempt in Garland, Texas, Mike Barnicle asks Thomas Sanderson, Director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies’ Transnational Threats Project, about the overriding global influence of ISIS compared with other terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda. Listen to Mr. Sanderson’s response here . On Morning Joe.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio joins Mike Barnicle and the Morning Joe team to share his thoughts on slain New York City Police Officer Brian Moore and the need for more and improved community policing. “What are your thoughts on the New York Times’ lack of mention on Page One that Officer Moore died… and the way [the media] doesn’t address police deaths sometimes?,” asks Mike. Listen to what Mayor de Blasio had to say and his answer for improving police relations. Only on MSNBC.
Writing for The Daily Beast, Mike tells us more about Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby, who Friday announced that six Baltimore police officers would face felony charges in the death of Freddie Gray. The young lawyer’s own cousin, Diron Spence, was gunned down more than 20 years ago on the street in Boston. Spence and Gray, both young black men, were not safe, as Mike says, on streets that were – and continue to be – paved with danger for America’s poor. Read his column here.
On Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle talks with filmmaker Brett Morgen about his new documentary, “Cobain: Montage of Heck”, an intimate look at the life of the late Kurt Cobain, lead singer and guitarist for the band Nirvana. Listen to Brett’s take on Kurt Cobain’s art and lasting legacy twenty-one years after his death. Only on MSNBC.
As conflicting reports continue to leak from the investigation into Freddie Gray’s death in Baltimore last week while in police custody, Mike Barnicle discusses the possibility of Gray intentionally trying to injured himself with veteran forensic pathologist Dr. Cyril Wecht. “Is it, in your experience, possible for a self-induced crack of the spine for a person riding in a police van?,” asks Mike in response to the most recent reports. Listen to Dr. Wecht’s answer here. On Morning Joe.