As talk focused on Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and his approach to sensitive issues and topics, MSNBC senior contributor Mike Barnicle asks: “In the larger question in terms of this candidate caring about things, does he care about the Republican Party?” Listen in on discussion only on MSNBC.
Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle and Joe Scarborough discuss Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s first ad of the general election. It only “increases the level of awareness of the tragedy that is this year’s national election — presidential election,” says Barnicle. “A lot of people — a lot of Republicans — view this election as a referendum on the future of the Republican Party.” Barnicle goes as far as to describe the imminent election as a “pending, looming disaster.” Hear the rest of the conversation here.
The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward joins Morning Joe and talks with host Mika Brzezinski and panelist Mike Barnicle about the media’s responsibility in reporting on the presidential campaign, specifically on the irresponsible statements made by Republican nominee Donald Trump. “He says one outrageous thing after another, nearly every single day,” says Barnicle. “Are we playing it too loosely by branding it as just another campaign statement? Or should we be looking more and more at who this man really is on the stage, on the campaign stage, as he just disassembles language in front of us?” Hear Woodward’s answer here and the rest of the conversation about truth v. fiction when it comes to presidential rhetoric.
Morning Joe’s veteran columnist and panelist Mike Barnicle talks with Ret. Gen. Michael Hayden, former director of the National Security Agency and the CIA, about the intelligence briefing that both candidates for president have already or will receive soon. Asks Barnicle: “Is there any level of discomfort within you — having led the NSA, having led the CIA, and having sat there with the President of the United States who looks at the full presidential daily briefing — knowing Donald Trump will receive a partial intelligence briefing?” Hear what Gen. Hayden is most concerned about and the “very severe” political penalties that could result. Only on MSNBC.
The Morning Joe panel and Rick Tyler, former communications director for Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, discuss Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s ongoing divisive rhetoric, the weight of his words and who will “babysit” him through the rest of his campaign and into the presidency, should he win in November. Veteran columnist Mike Barnicle says: “For some people there was a very worrisome nugget in an NBC poll that 72 percent of registered Republicans still don’t believe (President) Barack Obama is a citizen of the United States.” And he asks of Tyler: “Does that trouble you at all in terms of the storyline of the legitimacy of this president and the legitimacy of past presidencies? That’s where Trump is going when he says it is a rigged election.” Hear Tyler’s answer and the rest of the conversation here.
Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle and Willie Geist discuss the ongoing scandal surrounding Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s leaked emails with a spotlight on the question: Did donors to the Clinton Foundation influence U.S. policy through the State Department when Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State? The answer so far: No. Hear more of the conversation here and Barnicle’s view that the campaign for Republican presidential challenger Donald Trump has missed a critical opportunity because “the Trump campaign couldn’t get off a dime to go after it. They’re so incompetent.”
On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, veteran columnist Mike Barnicle speaks with Jon Meacham, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author and executive editor at Random House, about Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s potential impact on the future of the GOP. Asks Barnicle: “Has there ever been anything close to this in history?” Hear Meacham’s response here on MSNBC.
Veteran columnist Mike Barnicle and the Morning Joe panel discuss the power and impact of both the words of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and the influence of the media in his campaign. “Do we legitimize Donald Trump’s performances, and they are performances, by trying to be objective … by bending over backward for it?”
“Donald Trump’s candidacy… is now toxic to democracy,” says Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle in reference to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s controversial suggestion of halting his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton by way of 2nd Amendment. Hear the rest of the conversation here.
Morning Joe’s Joe Scarborough and Mike Barnicle discuss Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s ongoing attacks on the current leadership in Washington. “His track has always been the outside or against Washington,” says Barnicle. “He’s basically saying they gave you Iraq, they gave you the Middle East that we have today.” See the rest of the conversation on Morning Joe.
As the presidential election draws closer, the fracture within the Republican Party appears to be widening with U.S. Rep. Scott Rigell (R-VA) officially announcing plans to vote for the Libertarian Party’s presidential ticket and resigning from his local Virginia GOP as a result of the perceived danger posed by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. Veteran columnist and Morning Joe contributor Mike Barnicle asks Rigell: “Why would (Trump) be dangerous?” Hear Rigell’s response here on MSNBC.
Following a recent poll showing that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump trails his Democratic challenger Hillary Clinton by 13 points, RealClearPolitics’ senior elections analyst Sean Trende and veteran columnist Mike Barnicle discuss the potential of a Trump comeback as candidates have done in elections past. “In 1988, the big difference there is something that doesn’t exist today: The Bush campaign had extraordinary discipline,” explains Barnicle. Hear the rest of the conversation here.
On Morning Joe, veteran columnist Mike Barnicle talks with journalist Frank Bruni about his recent column for The New York Times: “Hillary’s Summer of Love” that suggests that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump “is the best thing that ever happened to Hillary Clinton. He’s definitely the strangest. With his fits of pique, spasms of ignorance and flashes of demagogy, he has turned the G.O.P.’s favorite bogeywoman into its summer crush. I haven’t seen a love story this unlikely since “Harold and Maude,” writes Bruni. But when speaking of Trump, Barnicle says: “He has a base of voters that aren’t … going to go anywhere but with him and for him and by creating this sense… that the election is rigged he is setting up another illegitimate presidency.” Listen in on the conversation here on MSNBC.
“So many of (Donald) Trump’s decisions — daily decisions — about his campaign, revolve around: Is it good for the business, will it hurt the business — his larger business,” comments Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle in reference to Trump the businessman compared with Trump the Republican nominee for president. Listen in here on the toll the campaign is taking on Trump’s businesses.
“In listening to Donald Trump, in watching his campaign now for over year, can you think of one example to give us where Donald Trump seems to understand the concept of human frailty, of vulnerability, of loss, of the human condition? Just one?” veteran columnist Mike Barnicle asks Congressman Tom Cole (R-OK) on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. Hear Congressman Cole’s answer and the conversation about the current deep divide in the Republican party.
David Ignatius from The Washington Post joins veteran columnist Mike Barnicle on MSNBC’s Morning Joe to discuss his recent article about Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s divisive nature within his party. Barnicle asks: “Can you envision any time soon, the following happening: Some Republican standing up and saying country first, country is more important than party?” Listen to Ignatius’ response and his thoughts on how Trump might repair his image within the party.
In continuing the discussion about Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s war of words with the Khan family, veteran columnist and Morning Joe contributor Mike Barnicle says: “It’s a universal — no one gets out of life without losing something. We all understand loss. Donald Trump seems uniquely incapable of articulating his sense of what it’s like.” Hear what the panel has to say, here.
Following the unveiling of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s newest campaign ads branding her Republican presidential nominee challenger Trump as unfit for office, veteran columnist Mike Barnicle and the experts on Morning Joe discuss the Clinton strategy that utilizes “one of the underestimated cards they were going to play … the Commander in Chief card and it seems to be having some effect.” Listen in on the discussion here, only on MSNBC.
With new polls showing Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton ahead of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in the race for the White House, Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle and the panel discuss The Washington Post’s David Ignatius’s recent article “Why Facts Don’t Matter to Trump’s Supporters.” Barnicle asks him Ignatius how he would explain Trump’s “inability to understand the concept of loss with the Khan family.” Hear the conversation here.
Ben Carson rejects the notion that Donald Trump finds it difficult to talk about loss, personal or otherwise.
“He has done it,” the adviser and former presidential rival said during a discussion Thursday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”
Veteran columnist and Morning Joe panelist Mike Barnicle noted that the show had just played a clip of Trump speaking at a rally Wednesday in Florida in which the nominee quickly pivoted from talking about a meeting with Gold Star families to talking about the large amount of money presented to him by the group.
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