Search Results for: "hillary clinton"
Professor Hillary Clinton Goes Back to School

ICYMI: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton joined Morning Joe to discuss her return to the classroom, as along with Keren Yarhi-Milo, dean of Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, she will be teaching global decision-making and starting an Institute of Global Politics at Columbia University. Watch her conversation with veteran columnist Mike Barnicle about the need to model respectful disagreement and find “at least a sliver” of common ground with people with different points of view. “These elections coming up in 2024 could not be more important for freedom, for democracy and for the rule of law,” says Clinton. Watch the segment here.

Trump Talk on Hillary Clinton

While the Morning Joe panel talks about President Donald Trump’s penchant for continuing to talk publicly about former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, veteran columnist Mike Barnicle says: “His inability to, in a phrase, ‘let it go,’ is both troubling, mystifying and sort of understandable at another level. He clearly can’t get over the fact that she got a lot more votes than he did.” Listen to more of the discussion here with Morning Joe’s Mika Brzezinski, Joe Scarborough and Willie Geist. Only on MSNBC.

There’s no email story that’s going to help Hillary Clinton

“There’s no email story that’s going to help [Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton]. None. Today’s email story does not help her. It’s a constant reminder. She doesn’t need that. The [Clinton email] story has the most impact…on the FBI. At some point…people are going to have to sit down in Washington and decide what is wrong with the FBI,” says Morning Joe senior contributor Mike Barnicle during a panel discussion about FBI Director James Comey’s latest letter to Congress saying that the FBI would not pursue charges against Clinton. Listen in on the conversation here.

Some of the challenges that Hillary Clinton must overcome to win the election

“There’s a level of concern in the Clinton campaign…that wasn’t there at the end of last week. I think they….now regard Michigan as a potential Brexit state, Bradley-effect state. There’s really no hard evidence that [Hillary Clinton] is going to win [Michigan] going away or win it at all. The president of the United States is going to Ann Arbor in a last-minute effort to shore up Michigan,” explains Morning Joe senior contributor Mike Barnicle during a conversation about the challenges that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton must overcome to win the election. Listen to more of the discussion here.

James Comey’s decision on the FBI investigating Hillary Clinton’s em...

“There is so much going on in the decision that (FBI director) James Comey made. First of all, I don’t know anyone who has questioned his character, but everyone has questioned his judgement…The other aspect of the decision…is that clearly director Comey said what he said and issued the letter that he issued because he was fearful of losing further control of the FBI apparatus beneath him,” said Morning Joe’s senior contributor Mike Barnicle as the panel further discussed Comey’s decision to send a letter to Congress last week stating that the FBI was investigating additional emails related to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Hear more about the situation here.

Mike Barnicle on the internal FBI feud over Hillary Clinton’s email server

“According to three people I spoke to this weekend, all affiliated with the FBI, all retired, two of them very highly placed within the FBI structure, (FBI) director (James) Comey has put his own reputation at risk over the past several days and … there were a couple of reasons (he did it). One, the FBI beneath him is in turmoil. Dissension over this case has been for many, many months. And the director feared once he found out about this new cache of e-mails… that one of the teams of agents working on this case for some months now would leak the story about the discovery of the e-mails on (embattled former Rep.) Anthony Weiner’s computer and that would make the entire process look even more tainted than a lot of people feel it appears right now. That’s the principle reason he leaked it, but the larger story here is: There has never been a grand jury empaneled in this case, which has severely aggravated many agents,” explains Morning Joe senior contributor Mike Barnicle during a conversation about the internal FBI feud over the probe into the private email server of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

“The Dangers of Hillary Clinton”

“There are too many people in Washington who have been there far too long. The only jobs they’ve ever had are within the framework of politics. They completely miss the pain, the suffering that so many Americans endured during the winter of 2008 and 2009. They still don’t seem to understand the concept of loss. So many people lost homes, hope for their future [and] their children, [and their] 401K plans. These are the same people who put their children at risk of loss in the wars that we’ve been fighting for the last 15 years, and it seems in the Senate, especially in the Senate, and the House that they just don’t grasp it,” said Morning Joe senior contributor Mike Barnicle during a conversation with the show’s host Mika Brzezinski and The New York Times’ Nicholas Confessore about the Times’ recent op-ed, “The Dangers of Hillary Clinton” by Ross Douthat. Hear more about the article and discussion surrounding it on MSNBC.

Mike Barnicle on Hillary Clinton: “Can we trust her?”

Heading into the Labor Day weekend, national polls have Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton maintaining her lead over Republican opponent Donald Trump, but the margins continue to diminish. Says Morning Joe senior contributor Mike Barnicle: “(Clinton has) had a tough two weeks and has yet to stand up and address the issue that bothers people: Can we trust her?”

Mike Barnicle on Hillary Clinton impairing her own campaign

Morning Joe’s Mika Brzezinski, Joe Scarborough, Donny Deutsch and Mike Barnicle discuss Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s decades of service and debate what she might do to put to rest all the controversy around her emails and the Clinton Foundation. “The email, the home server, the Foundation, I think it’s all part of the baggage that the Clintons’ have lugged across the landscape of this country for 30 years.” Hear the panel’s suggestions for Clinton’s campaign here.

Mike Barnicle on the continued investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails

U.S. Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) joins Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle to discuss the continued investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s ongoing email scandal. As agencies continue to investigate the issue, Barnicle asks Chaffetz: “Off of what you’ve read, off of what you know, would you be inclined to pursue a perjury indictment against Secretary Clinton?” Hear Chaffetz’s response and the ensuing discussion here on MSNBC.

Mike Barnicle on “googling” Hillary Clinton’s physical fitness

Morning Joe’s Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski and Mike Barnicle express their surprise that former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani has suggested that citizens “google” Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s physical fitness as he and other surrogates for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump suggest Clinton is not healthy enough to run for president. “Rudy says you should google it,” says Brzezinski. Adds Barnicle: “Do 9/11 truth, Rudy, and find out what’s on the Internet.”

Mike Barnicle on Hillary Clinton’s ongoing email scandal

With a growing interest centering on the controversy surrounding former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell and his potential mishandling of emails, Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle zeroes in on the important difference between email set ups for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and Sec. Powell. “The biggest distinction, the only distinction, the most important distinction is that General Powell, Secretary Powell, never had his own personal server. That’s the biggest difference.” Listen in here for the rest of the conversation on MSNBC.

Mike Barnicle on the ongoing scandal surrounding Hillary Clinton’s leaked ...

Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle and Willie Geist discuss the ongoing scandal surrounding Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s leaked emails with a spotlight on the question: Did donors to the Clinton Foundation influence U.S. policy through the State Department when Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State? The answer so far: No. Hear more of the conversation here and Barnicle’s view that the campaign for Republican presidential challenger Donald Trump has missed a critical opportunity because “the Trump campaign couldn’t get off a dime to go after it. They’re so incompetent.”

Mike Barnicle and Andrea Mitchell on China’s support of Hillary Clinton

Discussion on the set of Morning Joe turned to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s position on human rights and women’s rights and how relations with China might be impacted if she is elected president. During a conversation with NBC News Chief Foreign Affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell, veteran columnist Mike Barnicle says he’s heard reports from a former senior Obama official that “the Chinese are very, very hesitant about supporting Hillary Clinton in any form or fashion. They’re “leaning toward (Republican presidential nominee Donald) Trump because they’re afraid of Hillary Clinton’s position on human rights.” Listen in to the discussion here on MSNBC.

Mike Barnicle: “The job is to elect Hillary Clinton.”

As the talk centered on the DNC convention this week in Philadelphia, veteran columnist and MSNBC contributor Mike Barnicle and the Morning Joe panel of experts discuss what it will take for the Democrats to win the general election this fall and how the party can move beyond the most recent email scandal that led to the resignation of DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz. “Ego plays a role in this, obviously her own ego…the job is to elect Hillary Clinton,” says Barnicle. Follow the conversation here.

Mike Barnicle on Hillary Clinton’s vanishing lead over Donald Trump

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s vanishing lead over Republican challenger Donald J. Trump was a topic of discussion on Morning Joe, where the new McClatchy/Marist poll was cited, showing Clinton at 42 percent over Trump’s 39 percent. “You cannot underestimate the fact that two weeks ago the director of the FBI basically told the American people, (Hillary Clinton has) been lying to you for two years. It just reinforced so many negatives that she had coming into this race. You look at those numbers, you hear the anecdotal evidence. I am convinced that a Joe Biden or a John Kerry (running for president) would have been 70-30,” said veteran columnist and Morning Joe panelist Mike Barnicle. Only on MSNBC.

Mike Barnicle on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump going into the general electio...

On Bloomberg’s With All Due Respect, Mike Barnicle and John Heilemann discuss whether Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump can claim the advantage going into the effective first day of the general election. A Fox News poll shows Clinton leading Trump 42 percent to 39 percent. While Trump’s strength among Republicans and men continues to grow, does the Trump campaign need to be worried? Says Barnicle: “I don’t think the Trump campaign people have factored into the equation that there aren’t enough white men in America to elect him president of the United States.”

Mike Barnicle weighs in on Hillary Clinton’s email debacle

MSNBC’s Mike Barnicle continues the conversation on the email debacle that plagues Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton with the Morning Joe panel and NBC News’ veteran chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell discussing the Inspector General’s report on the situation. Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle weighs in: “One of the more damming components of the report is when he declares in the report that Secretary Clinton declined the opportunity in a request to be interviewed — when (Secretaries of State) Madeleine Albright, Colin Powell and John Kerry were interviewed.” Hear more here about the ramifications of Clinton’s actions – and inactions – here.

Mike Barnicle discuss Hillary Clinton’s “honest” and “tr...

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough and Mike Barnicle discuss Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s “honest” and “trustworthy” issue related to her personal email debacle. Barnicle says regardless of voters’ opinion on the gravity of the situation, it “adds to the weight of voter exhaustion when it comes to the Clintons and that’s a huge burden for her to carry.” Hear the rest of the conversation here on the integrity question that dogs both Clinton and her Republican rival, presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Mike Barnicle asks Bernie Sanders about the criticisms of his attacks on Hillary...

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle asks Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders about the latest criticisms of his attacks on fellow candidate Hillary Clinton. “Why haven’t you?!,” Barnicle asks Sanders about not bringing up Clinton’s email scandal and issues surrounding the Clinton Foundation during his campaign. Watch the exchange between Barnicle and Sanders, including a debate about the word “vitriolic” and whether Sanders’ will escalate the fight back against Clinton.