Search Results for: "hillary clinton"
Mike Barnicle reacts to Hillary Clinton’s defensiveness

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle reacts to Hillary Clinton’s defensiveness over fellow Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and his supporters. “I don’t think it’s the tone of Bernie Sanders’ campaign or his rhetoric that is aggravating the Clinton people, it’s the fact that her leads have collapsed in state after state. It’s her frustration in dealing with a 74-year-old Democratic socialist from Burlington, Vermont, that they can’t put away. Also interesting is that there is almost a joyousness in the Sanders crowds,” says Barnicle. Watch the Morning Joe conversation on the Democratic campaign and discussion of Senator Sanders’ impressive crowds, including the latest rally in the Bronx, estimated at 18,500 supporters strong.

Mike Barnicle talks with TIME magazine’s Michael Duffy about the Hillary Clinton...

“How directly involved, on a daily or hourly basis, is FBI Director James Comey in the Hillary Clinton email investigation?,” Mike Barnicle asks of TIME magazine’s Michael Duffy. Watch the conversation between Barnicle and Duffy on MSNBC’s Morning Joe and listen to why Comey, who previously investigated the Clintons during the Whitewater controversy in the 1990s, might go as far as to personally interview the former Secretary of State during this investigation.

Mike Barnicle on Hillary Clinton’s controversies

On MSNBC, Mike Barnicle and the Morning Joe panel discuss Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s handling of the controversies and legal issues that continue to encumber her campaign. “In addition to her not answering the question [on possibly being indicted over the email scandal]—no one would answer a question like that—she was hit point-blank on Benghazi by [Jorge Ramos] asking if she lied to the families of those lost. I thought she handled that very effectively,” says Barnicle of Clinton’s performance during last night’s The Washington Post/Univision Democratic debate. Watch the discussion about Clinton, along with a report on the Republican National Committee’s decision to sue the U.S. State Department for Hillary Clinton and her aides’ emails and messages during her tenure as Secretary of State.

Mike Barnicle sums up Hillary Clinton’s efforts

As Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton continues to pile up delegates toward the nomination, Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle sums up her efforts, demonstrated by Super Tuesday’s results. “The Massachusetts victory really proves a lot about Hillary Clinton’s strength. She came from behind to catch (Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders). Bernie had been in that state for quite some time, had a great organization and a pretty good lead,” observes Mike of Clinton’s win against Sanders (I-VT) in Massachusetts. Watch the panel’s discussion about the contest between Hillary and Bernie for the Democratic presidential nomination here.

Mike Barnicle on Hillary Clinton’s frustrations on the campaign trail

“I think Hillary Clinton is tougher on herself than her opponents are. She’s carrying a lot of baggage,” says Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle of Hillary Clinton’s frustrations on the campaign trail. Listen to Mike’s comments on Clinton here and watch the report on the tight Democratic race between her and Senator Bernie Sanders ahead of Nevada’s presidential caucuses.

Mike Barnicle on Hillary Clinton: “Why does she make everything so difficu...

“You can sum up the problem that Hillary Clinton, despite her credentials, is having in this campaign as the same (as) in 2008—and it’s a line out of ‘Cool Hand Luke’ uttered by Strother Martin to Paul Newman when he said, ‘What we have here is a failure to communicate.’ Why does she make everything so difficult? ” asks Mike Barnicle of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s seemingly contentious response to a question from CBS News’ Scott Pelley about telling the truth. Watch the clip here and listen to the Morning Joe conversation on mistrust surrounding the Clintons over the years and how she might have better answered the question.

Hillary Clinton’s struggles invoking feminism to court female voters

“The victimization aspect that Hillary Clinton always speaks to—which is legitimate in some sense—goes right over [young women’s] heads, which leads to her biggest issue: connectivity,” says Mike Barnicle of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her struggles invoking feminism to court female voters. Watch the discussion on Clinton here. On MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

Mike Barnicle on Hillary Clinton’s loss to Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire

Mike Barnicle and the Morning Joe team discuss the factors surrounding Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s loss to Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire. “One of the jarring things that occurred here in the last week, that’s sort of been underreported, are the quotes from Madeleine Albright and Gloria Steinem to supposedly get women to support Hillary Clinton because she is a woman—that does not work,” says Mike of Hillary Clinton’s ongoing struggle with appealing to female voters. Listen to the rest of the MSNBC analysis on the Clinton campaign.

Mike Barnicle on the lack of support for Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire

“The Clintons left here last night having lost a state that’s been so critical to their careers. They left with one underlying, real danger signal out there…. Working-class towns, working-class women are no longer an automatic,” says Mike Barnicle of the demographics and lack of support for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire yesterday. Watch the Morning Joe conversation, live from Manchester, on the race between Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders, last night’s big winner.

Mike Barnicle on Hillary Clinton’s campaign struggles in New Hampshire

Discussing Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign struggles in New Hampshire on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle commented: “The level of frustration among [the Clintons] is extraordinarily high.… There probably will be some change in direction and, distinctly, in the way they are marketing her.” Hear the Morning Joe panel discuss Hillary Clinton’s fight against fellow candidate Senator Bernie Sanders here during a live, primary day broadcast from Manchester, New Hampshire.

“This is a fight-Hillary Clinton v. Bernie Sanders-between the head and th...

“What you’re saying, in essence, is that this is a fight—Hillary Clinton vs. Bernie Sanders—between the head and the heart,” suggests Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle to New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio about why Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton is the better candidate over Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Watch the conversation between Mike and Mayor de Blasio on pragmatism and the growing insecurities of the American middle class here. Only on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle sums up a key factor in the drop in support fo...

As the presidential race between Democratic candidates Hilary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) narrows in Iowa, Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle sums up a key factor in the drop in support for Clinton: “I’ve never encountered a Democrat who does not believe Hillary Clinton has the credentials and would be a good president of the United States, but there is always an undercurrent of wariness about her.” Listen to Barnicle, Willie Geist, Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough discuss the Democratic candidates vying for the White House and the relevant issues here. Only on MSNBC.

For The Daily Beast: Hillary Clinton, Tr...

In his latest column for The Daily Beast, Mike shines the spotlight on the true consequences of failed politics and war—most recently personified by the death of Sgt. Joshua Wheeler, a 39-year-old, highly decorated Army veteran of 14 deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. “It is an old story. Political people give speeches and espouse positions declaring that America is the best and strongest nation in the world. And then in order to prove our power we too often send the few, the young and the brave off to fight and die in lands that will remain chaotic, ungovernable and violent for decades to come,” writes Mike. Read the full column on why—from Vietnam to Afghanistan—the disconnect between American politicians and the realities of war is an old story.

Hillary Clinton, Trey Gowdy, and the True Victims of Playing Politics with War

Mike Barnicle on the marathon questioning of Hillary Clinton

“Eleven hours—it was an amazing performance. The questioning was largely hostile, angry, and disrespectful toward her, the office, and the casualties of Benghazi that day. It was a total collapse of the committee system and the Congress of the United States. If this committee had been in charge of the Watergate hearing, Richard Nixon would have finished his term,” says Mike Barnicle of the U.S. House Select Committee on Benghazi and their marathon questioning of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton yesterday. Hear more about what happened only on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

Mike Barnicle on Hillary Clinton’s proposals on gun control

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle reacts to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s proposals on gun control in the wake of the latest mass shooting. “There is one other opening that she alluded to… and it would require courage, commitment and a constant hammering on it to get it done….Among the 14 weapons that the [Oregon shooter’s] family had were an AK-47 and an AR-15… talking about Afghanistan and Iraq, that’s what those weapons were designed for….There’s no good reason why legitimate hunters or legitimate gun owners would have AR-15s and AK-47s in their arsenal,” says Mike. Watch the frank discussion here on the unrelenting gun violence in this country.

Mike Barnicle sums up the damage done on Hillary Clinton

Following a Bloomberg Politics poll that shows Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) and undeclared Vice President Joe Biden gaining significantly on front-runner Hillary Clinton, Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle sums up the damage done by the email controversy on the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton. “There’s a huge gap between the reality of what’s in those emails—we don’t know—and the perception of the emails themselves, which is devouring her candidacy. She can’t seem to get ahead of it or get out from it.” Listen to Mike’s analysis and the full conversation on Clinton and the Democratic candidates here. On MSNBC.

Mike Barnicle sums up the obstacle for Hillary Clinton’s campaign

Continuing the discussion about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s controversy over how she managed her emails while Secretary of State, Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle sums up the obstacle for her campaign: “Hillary Clinton gave a very tough, very good speech on Iran about 10 days ago—go find it. There was no coverage of it because no one can see what she stands for through the fog of this email controversy. And there are more emails that are going to become public. It’s going to be the drip treatment over the next five, six, seven weeks.” Watch the conversation on MSNBC and find out why Mike believes it’s not so much the content of the emails that concern voters but what that the controversy adds to the overall public perception of the Clintons.

Mike Barnicle on Hillary Clinton’s ongoing campaign struggles

“Hillary Clinton is an accomplished, formidable candidate who is hamstrung by her inability to handle her self-inflicted email wounds. The email wounds—perhaps lethal—have prevented her from getting a message out. She also, clearly, should fire most of her staff. She is so overly stage managed that she sets up a curtain between herself and the audience,” says Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle in analyzing the source of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s ongoing campaign struggles. Watch the MSNBC panel discussion here on the causes of Clinton’s decline in the polls, including her perceived inauthenticity and recent loss of support among female Democrats.

Mike Barnicle on Hillary Clinton: “She can win New Hampshire”

“She can win New Hampshire,” says Mike Barnicle of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, despite the latest polls showing fellow candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) continuing to rise to lead Clinton in Iowa and New Hampshire. “There has been a precipitous drop in her support over the past six or seven weeks, but she has been pummeled nearly every single day, all day, in various media over a self-inflicted wound,” continues Mike, referencing her email debacle. View the latest poll results and hear what the Morning Joe plan attributes to her slip in the polls. On MSNBC.

Mike Barnicle on Hillary Clinton’s continued email woes

As the conversation continues into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email woes, Mike Barnicle on Morning Joe says: “Can you really blame Brian Pagliano for taking the fifth? I don’t think he works for the Secretary of State, he doesn’t work for the campaign—he’s an IT guy…,” about the former State Department employee who helped Clinton set up her private email server. Pagliano is now asserting his Fifth Amendment right not to testify before the House committee on Benghazi. Watch the conversation on presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s ongoing email controversy here. On MSNBC.