“In addition to the 200,000 deaths, there are millions, millions of people today—families today—fractured economically because the United States Congress, specifically the United States Senate, the Republicans in the United States Senate, will not bail them out when they’re drowning economically right in front of them,” says Morning Joe veteran columnist Mike Barnicle during this conversation with Willie Geist about the fallout from President Donald Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic ravaging the U.S. “So, the country has indeed changed and whether it’s unalterably changed, we’re going to find out—but it sure is depressing.”
Tune in for this Morning Joe conversation with veteran columnist Mike Barnicle and actors Robin Wright and Cary Elwes as they discuss the enduring legacy and cultural relevance of the 1987 film “The Princess Bride” directed by Rob Reiner, adapted by William Goldman from his 1973 novel “The Princess Bride.”
“If you do a forensic autopsy of the failures of this Administration with regard to COVID-19, its handling of it….it is horrendous. And we are approaching 200,000 deaths from COVID-19 in this country,” says Morning Joe contributor and veteran columnist Mike Barnicle during a conversation about with Mika Brzezinski. “There’s going to be no wall with the names of the casualties, the victims, the killed in action victims to COVID-19….Yellow ribbons at the end of the driveway on your mailbox aren’t going to cut it. This is a complete breakdown and failure, incompetence and immorality—I would submit of this Administration—and people like Donald Trump’s enablers in person just now Bill Barr, the attorney general of the United States.” Watch the discussion here.
Morning Joe veteran columnist remembers 9/11 on this 19th anniversary of terrorist attacks with reflections on an event that memorialized two Bedford, Massachusetts, sons lost to war: John Hart, 20 years of age when he was killed in Iraq in 2003, and Travis Desiato, 19, when he was killed in Fallujah in 2004. “The two families – Brian Hart and the Desiatos – they stood there, and they weren’t angry, they weren’t yelling, they weren’t ideological. They had gathered some people and a few members of the press because they wanted people to know that their two boys who had options, other than joining the Army and the Marine Corps, had options—but chose to serve the United States of America. They sacrificed their lives. They weren’t ‘losers,’ they weren’t ‘suckers,’ that’s what this family wanted. And there was more sadness than there was anger and the sadness was over the fact that as Brian Hart – John Hart’s father – said, that we are now led by a man like Donald J. Trump,” says Barnicle as he shares with Willie Geist and viewers the story of a memorial service held for two young fallen American soldiers.
“We can measure the damage the virus has done. We do it with a body count, sadly, approaching 200,000 people, and multiple millions of cases. But we can’t really measure the damage that Donald Trump has done to institutions of this country and the damage he’s done to the country itself…to the people of this country by his behavior, his verbiage, his rhetoric, his daily rhetoric, his daily lies—as you point out—is almost incalculable,” says veteran columnist Mike Barnicle during this Morning Joe conversation with host Joe Scarborough about the findings in legendary journalist Bob Woodward’s latest book “Rage” which reveals that President Trump admitted he knew weeks before the first confirmed U.S. coronavirus death that the virus was dangerous, airborne, highly contagious and more deadly than even your strenuous flus.
Tune in to watch this Morning Joe conversation between veteran columnist Mike Barnicle and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) about the economic struggle for millions of Americans amid the coronavirus outbreak and the need for more financial relief since the last federal assistance check that many families received was more than two months ago.
“There is the virus on the ballot this year, and the virus will be on the ballot this year…and it’s going to come down to the message: Where are we going in the future? That’s what people want to hear. They don’t want to be scared. They want to know: Where are we going?” says veteran columnist Mike Barnicle during this Morning Joe conversation with host Willie Geist about voter interest in the 2020 presidential election. Hear more of the discussion now about the race between Democratic nominee Joe Biden and President Donald Trump ahead of the first presidential debate.
Tune in for this Morning Joe conversation between veteran columnist Mike Barnicle and president of the American Federation of Teachers Randi Weingarten about what is working and what’s not when it comes to K-12 education in the U.S. and the need for “better leadership nationally” amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Tune in for the Morning Joe discussion between veteran columnist Mike Barnicle and Wall Street Journal reporter Justin Scheck, co-author of new book “Blood and Oil: Mohammed bin Salman’s Ruthless Quest for Global Power,” about the tension in the Middle East between Saudi Arabia’s Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Iran. “What is his goal, his ultimate goal, and the potential danger of that goal with regard to Saudi Arabia versus Iran?” asks Barnicle. Hear Scheck’s answer here.
“This is an attorney general who has corrupted the professional staff of the Justice Department. He is in the process of doing something that Donald Trump’s Administration has been doing in department, after department, after department—destroying it,” says Morning Joe contributor Mike Barnicle during this segment with host Joe Scarborough about Attorney General William Barr’s claim that he was unaware of state laws illegality of voting twice after President Donald Trump suggested that people should attempt to vote twice to test the electoral system’s integrity. Watch the segment here.
Tune in for this Morning Joe conversation between Joe Scarborough and Mike Barnicle as they remember Tom Seaver, a Hall of Fame baseball pitcher and the hero of New York’s Miracle Mets, who has passed away at 75 years old from complications of Lewy body dementia and COVID-19. “Tom Seaver was an artist. To watch him perform on the mound with the New York Mets, especially Mr. Met, was an incredible experience. He was a legitimate Hall of Famer before they even voted him into the Hall of Fame,” says Barnicle. Hear more here.
“Donald Trump has been president for 1,321 days. When he was sworn in on January 20th, 2017, there was no virus, the unemployment rate was 4.1 percent, your children were going to school, cities were not embroiled in racial tension as they are now. But here we are: 30 million people are unemployed, people live in angst, anxiety, and sometimes fear of contracting the virus because the government—the federal government, led by Donald J. Trump—has done very little to address it nationally and come up with solutions nationally at a point in time when it could’ve made a difference. And the big thing right now, at this moment, on the second of September, is: Can you put your children in school? Well, you can’t. All of that is on Donald J. Trump,” says Morning Joe contributor Mike Barnicle about Trump’s responsibility for the major problems facing America today. Hear more of the conversation with Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski about the civil unrest taking place in cities throughout the country here.
Tune in to this Morning Joe discussion between veteran columnist Mike Barnicle and WTMJ Milwaukee reporter Tony Atkins about the circumstances surrounding the violence and unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during which 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse is accused of killing two protesters and injuring another with an AR-15-style rifle. The shootings happened amid the third night of demonstrations over the police shooting and wounding of 29-year-old Jacob Blake.
Check out veteran columnist Mike Barnicle’s latest commentary for The Daily Beast in which he dissects and explains President Donald Trump’s “attempt to scare the country” into voting for him during the 2020 Republican National Convention, which was “built around demonization, defining danger in almost clear racial terms, denying and talking around nearly 180,000 virus deaths that Trump could not combat with only passing references to the millions of unemployed. As Trump spoke and midnight approached, you had a right to be scared,” writes Barnicle. Read the entire column here: https://bit.ly/32DaCv1
Tune in for this Morning Joe conversation between veteran columnist Mike Barnicle and conservative commentator Charlie Sykes about President Donald J. Trump’s acceptance of the GOP nomination and a message from Mark and Patricia McCloskey – the St. Louis homeowners who pointed guns at protesters earlier this summer – this week at the Republican National Convention. “We saw a social arsonist—the President of the United States—who sets these little bonfires, stands back and watches them grow. And we also heard during the week that there is really no Republican platform this week announced at their convention; but, my sense of it is, and I’ll ask if you agree with it: There was a Republican platform and it was articulated by the McCloskeys—the two McCloskeys who stood there, looked into the TV camera and said, ‘Black people are coming to destroy the suburbs, to take your house and ruin your incomes and they’re doing it because the Democrats are going to let them do it’,” asks Barnicle. Hear Sykes response here.
Tune into this Morning Joe discussion between veteran columnist Mike Barnicle and Stand Up Republic Executive Director Mindy Finn, whose organization is hosting a “Convention on Founding Principles” as counter-programming to this week’s Republican National Convention. “Fear is the motivating factor to vote for this one person, Donald Trump. How do you combat that?” asks Barnicle. Hear what Finn has to say about her group’s efforts to reach a national audience of Republicans and conservatives dissatisfied with President Donald Trump.
Morning Joe’s veteran columnist Mike Barnicle and Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a former White House advisor for health policy and current advisor to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, discuss the criteria and national plan necessary to safely reopen schools amid the coronavirus outbreak in America. “You just can’t do this on a wing and a prayer,” says Emanuel.
Watch this Morning Joe conversation between host Joe Scarborough and veteran columnist Mike Barnicle about the most recent polls that show the tightening presidential race between President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden during the week of the Republican National Convention. “The closer we get to Election Day we’re going to see an hourly reprise of what we’re listening to on television at the Republican convention. We’re going to see a campaign based on fear…and the ability to use that fear to manipulate votes: It’s going to be immigration, it’s going to be the wall, it’s going to be Black people coming to your neighborhood, it’s going to be violence, it’s going to be law and order, it’s going to be, ‘be very afraid people because Donald Trump is the only one who can protect your white America against what is going to happen if Joe Biden is elected president’,” says Barnicle about the 2020 race for the White House. More of the discussion here.
In this Morning Joe segment, host Mika Brzezinski, former Secretary of State John Kerry and veteran columnist Mike Barnicle discuss the Trump Administration’s foreign policy record, lack of diplomacy and former President Barack Obama’s Democratic National Convention speech in which he cast President Donald Trump as a threat to democracy. “It was just Barack Obama talking directly to you—the citizen out there—and he was talking about the need to defend this country; that this country, the United States of America, is literally on the line this election day,” says Barnicle about Obama’s DNC speech. Watch more of the conversation here.
Morning Joe veteran columnist Mike Barnicle and Valerie Jarrett, former senior advisor to President Barack Obama, discuss how the upcoming virtual Republican National Convention might respond to the “face and feelings of America” that were on display at this week’s virtual Democratic National Convention. Watch the segment here.