Watch this Morning Joe conversation with veteran columnist Mike Barnicle and New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy on when and how the state’s public schools may open safely amid the deadly and destructive coronavirus outbreak.
In this Morning Joe segment, veteran columnist Mike Barnicle and All In Together CEO and Co-Founder Lauren Leader discuss how the ongoing fight for equality for women and girls must supersede the words and actions of President Donald J. Trump, who disbanded the White House Council on Women and Girls and who continually uses “demeaning words” to describe public women. “This is way beyond the president. This is about who we are as a society,” says Leader. Watch the conversation here.
Check out this Morning Joe conversation between veteran columnist Mike Barnicle and New York Times op-ed columnist David Leonhardt about the “rational” fear of reopening schools amid the coronavirus outbreak in America because children can transmit the deadly disease to parents, grandparent and the community.
Watch this Morning Joe conversation with Mika Brzezinski, Mike Barnicle and Washington Post associate editor Eugene Robinson about the years-long series of events that contributed to our national decline and led us to the era of President Donald Trump.
“We have incompetence in this Administration. We have corruption in this Administration. We have criminality in this Administration, and we have these virtual clowns on television like Jeanine Pirro making absurd predictions and pronouncements,” says Morning Joe veteran columnist Mike Barnicle during a discussion with Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski about Fox News host Jeanine Pirro’s erroneous on-air suggestion that “something’s going to happen” so that Joe Biden will not be on the Democratic presidential ticket in November. Watch the rest of the conversation here.
Morning Joe veteran columnist and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi discuss the latest report that over 1 million Americans will file for state unemployment benefits for the 21st consecutive week due to the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing negotiations between the Trump Administration and Democratic leaders over the next economic relief package for Americans.
Asks Barnicle: “During your discussions—you and Senator Schumer, your discussions with Mr. Meadows and Mr. Mnuchin—is it ever raised the fact that millions of Americans who have lost their jobs will take months and years to recover economically? Some will never recover economically. Some of the jobs they’ve lost will never come back. Do you talk about these things?” Hear Speaker Pelosi’s response now.
Watch this Morning Joe conversation between veteran columnist Mike Barnicle and National Urban League President and CEO Marc Morial about the release of “Unmasked,” the organization’s annual State of Black America report that addresses the various ways that that the coronavirus pandemic has exposed long-standing disparities for Black Americans when it comes to the economy, access to health care institutions and the criminal justice system. “Black people have caught hell this year,” says Morial, explaining they are more likely to be infected with coronavirus, more likely to die from it, more likely to be unemployed and less likely to have the ability to work from home. Hear more of the discussion here.
Is President Donald J. Trump personally involved in the current White House negotiations with Democrats over the next economic relief package that will help millions Americans on the verge of economic collapse amid the coronavirus pandemic? Find out in this Morning Joe conversation between veteran columnist Mike Barnicle and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY).
Watch this Morning Joe conversation between veteran columnist Mike Barnicle and the Rev. William Barber, co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign, about what has to happen to lift up and politically engage this country’s 34 million poor and low income people to cast their vote toward combatting the systemic racism and systemic poverty that plague our nation.
“People forget a lot of things—we are in a sense, a country of amnesiacs with the culture moving so rapidly….But people don’t forget things like not getting a paycheck, not having someone come for them to help them. Government is there to help people in trouble. This time people are in real trouble and nobody is coming, and nobody is coming largely because of the Republican Party led by Donald J. Trump,” says veteran columnist Mike Barnicle during this Morning Joe conversation with Joe Scarborough about the Republican Party as the coronavirus outbreak and its handling has ravaged the country. Join the conversation here.
“We live now in a country where people walk around with just a few thoughts on their minds: School, jobs, work, pay. And they wonder: Why, in this situation with evictions already beginning, with mortgages right on the edge of teetering, with incomes having disappeared, with furlough being a word not restricted to the military but to your company and your office in a building where you might never go back to…why is the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives home? Why are they not working? They’re still getting paid. They have a job. Their job is us, and they’re not doing it,’” says Morning Joe contributor and veteran columnist Mike Barnicle about the federal government’s ongoing failure in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic as Republicans and Democrats in Congress have not been able to reach an agreement on the next relief package for America.
“Pete was a giant of American journalism….He was a true tribune of the city, New York City, and he wrote about people whose lives matter—ordinary people—who don’t often find their names in the paper unless it’s surrounded by some calamity. He wrote about how people live….He was decent, kind, generous. He was everything you would want in a human being, never mind a city columnist, a great journalist. Pete Hamill will be missed by me and many, many others whose lives he touched across the years,” says Morning Joe contributor and veteran columnist Mike Barnicle about Pete Hamill, who died this week at age 85, and who in addition to being a legendary columnist served as editor for the New York Daily News and the New York Post.
“I’m still stuck on the President’s phrase to Jonathan Swan in that remarkable interview: ‘It is what it is.’ And I’ll tell you ‘what it is.’ When he said that, 38 Americans an hour died of the virus. That’s what it is, and today the evictions begin, mortgages to come, food lines exist in America. There are 30 million people unemployed. That’s what it is. ‘It is what it is.’ That’s what it is,” says veteran journalist Mike Barnicle in this Morning Joe conversation with Willie Geist about President Donald Trump’s recent interview with Axios on HBO, during which Trump said the United States’ staggering death toll from coronavirus “is what it is.”
Watch this Morning Joe conversation between Joe Scarborough and Mike Barnicle about the poll numbers continuing to show presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden leading President Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election. “All the Biden campaign has to rely on now—in addition to Joe Biden himself, the candidate, the man, the human being—is the refrain, ‘are you better off today than you were in March?’,” says Barnicle, referencing one of the most important campaign questions of all time and the unprecedented devastation of COVID-19. “The element of loss in this country is playing a role in every single state that we have talked about this morning and it’s jarring to think about it: We have 150,000 Americans dead. We have four and a half million Americans infected, by far the largest number in the world—of any country in the world. And within that framework, we have a president of the United States who seems unable to speak about what loss means to families in this country.” Join the conversation here.
Iranian-American actor/comedian Maz Jobrani joins Morning Joe’s Mika Brzezinski and Mike Barnicle to talk about the inspiration for his work and how far the industry has come in writing roles for Middle Eastern actors in the 22 years he’s been in the business. Watch the conversation here.
Watch this Morning Joe conversation between veteran columnist Mike Barnicle and Maya Rockeymoore Cummings, former chair of the Maryland Democratic Party and widow of the late Rep. Elijah Cummings, about how we can honor the legacies of her husband and the late Rep. John Lewis, who served together in Congress and fought for justice, voting and human rights.
Watch this Morning Joe conversation between veteran columnist Mike Barnicle and MSNBC science contributor Laurie Garrett about the tremendous challenges and issues involved in the possible reopening of schools amid the coronavirus pandemic and how the policies will need to differ among the age groups. “We’re not going to gamble with the future health and present health of our children by sending them into schools where the questions remain completely unanswered—at least from my point of view—about what’s going to happen in those classrooms,” said Barnicle. See more of the discussion here.
Veteran columnist Mike Barnicle outlines the three main issues in the 2020 presidential race: COVID-19, race equity and Donald Trump during this Morning Joe conversation with host Joe Scarborough about the polls showing presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden leading President Trump in key battleground states.
“Donald Trump is the clear pivotal figure in this campaign and his incompetence in running this country, in dealing with the virus, I think, is probably the number one issue that’s going to keep this race separated for the winner, Joe Biden,” says Barnicle. Join the conversation here.
Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice joins Morning Joe veteran columnist Mike Barnicle to talk about the current status of the damage done by the U.S. to international relations and allies around the world. “How much of it, in your experience, from your point of view, is irreparable damage being done, and how long will it take–given your experience–to repair these alliances?” asks Barnicle. Hear Rice talk about how U.S. allies “cannot trust” the word of President Donald Trump or the White House and how it will take a regime change, hard work, time and patience for the relationships to be repaired.
Watch this Morning Joe segment in which contributor Mike Barnicle repeatedly asks Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), House Intelligence Chairman, if the reports are true that Republican Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin has become a tool for “laundering” a foreign interference campaign aimed at damaging presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. Listen to Schiff’s response here and additional discussion about a public letter from Democratic leaders that asked the FBI for an urgent briefing arising from concern that members of Congress are being targeted by a foreign operation intended to influence the 2020 presidential election.