Search Results for: "hillary clinton"
Mike Barnicle introduces a fictional Hillary Clinton attack ad

On Bloomberg’s With All Due Respect, Mike Barnicle introduces a fictional Hillary Clinton attack ad—given the fact that no smoking guns have surfaced in the thousands of pages of Clinton’s emails released by the U.S. State Department. Watch the highly unlikely, yet very creative, ad against the Democratic frontrunner here.

Mike Barnicle speculates on whether Hillary Clinton can survive her email scanda...

Watch the MSNBC Morning Joe panel discuss the appealing nature among Democratic voters for the authenticity of candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) and potential candidates Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). “There is one wild card in this—and we shouldn’t ignore the fact that Hillary Clinton is a strong, confident, determined, well-funded candidate for the presidency. The wild card is the FBI and the Justice Department,” says Mike Barnicle speculating on whether Clinton can survive probes into her use of private email servers while Secretary of State. The whole conversation is here.

Mike Barnicle addresses Hillary Clinton’s handling of official emails

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle addresses additional implications brought on by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s ongoing controversy surrounding her handling of official State Department emails. “Her inability to deal effectively, honestly, and quickly with the email situation…opens the door to the past, to the Clintons, to the baggage that they bring to everyday campaigning. Elections are about the future, and this just opens the door to the past. It’s another thing with the Clintons,” says Mike of voters’ overall perception of Hillary Clinton’s latest troubles. Watch the Morning Joe conversation about Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server during her time as Secretary of State.

Mike Barnicle sums up the voters’ trust issues with Hillary Clinton

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle sums up the voters’ trust issues with Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton: “Hillary Clinton’s issue certainly involves the emails, but, in a larger sense, it involves what it regurgitates within the voting public about the Clintons. Hillary Clinton’s candidacy, thus far, has been about the past, and elections are about the future.” Watch the conversation on former Sectary of State Clinton here and listen to Mike’s take on why her opponent Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) continues to gain in the polls.

A must-see video highlighting Hillary Clinton’s parallels in defensive rhetoric...

On Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle and Bloomberg Politics’ Mark Halperin discuss the 2016 presidential candidates. Listen in on the entire conversation here, along with a must-see video highlighting former Sec. Hillary Clinton’s parallels in defensive rhetoric to those used by President Clinton. Only on MSNBC.

Continuing the conversation on Hillary Clinton’s recent interview with CNN

Continuing the conversation on Hillary Clinton’s recent interview with CNN, the MSNBC Morning Joe panel considers how her much-criticized handling of emails while she was Secretary of State will affect her presidential campaign. “Let’s get to the bottom line here. Do you think it’s possible for Hillary Clinton to get elected to the presidency basically by saying: ‘I know some of you don’t trust me and some of you have never trusted me, but I can do this job because I am competent.’ Can she win that way?,” asks Mike. Hear the panel’s response and the rest of the conversation here.

Mike Barnicle on Hillary Clinton’s recent interview on CNN

On Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle and Morning Joe panel discuss Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s recent interview on CNN. “Hillary Clinton is still in the spring training phase of getting her message out. She is fearful. Her eyes just seemed frightened. She’s weighing and measuring every word that comes out. Not a great moment yesterday,” says Mike of former Sec. Clinton’s response to concerns over her trustworthiness. Listen to more of the panel’s observations on Hillary Clinton’s candidacy here. Only on MSNBC.

Mike Barnicle on Hillary Clinton’s run for the presidency

“Hillary Clinton is on her own clock and she really has no opposition. That’s the truth of it,” says Mike Barnicle of Hillary Clinton’s run for the presidency. Watch the Morning Joe panel’s discussion about a new Wall Street Journal/NBC poll that shows 75% of potential Democratic primary voters prefer Clinton over other candidates. On MSNBC.

Mike Barnicle and Rebecca Traister on Hillary Clinton’s official campaign launch...

Following Hillary Clinton’s official campaign launch over the weekend, Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle and Rebecca Traister, Senior Editor of The New Republic, discuss Clinton’s speech announcing her second run for the presidential nomination. “She’s never been a barnburner in terms of a speaker, but it was much more than procedural. It got the job done. There seems to be some sentiment within the Democratic Party that says: ‘Let’s stop apologizing for who we are. Let’s recall our roots. Let’s recall FDR,’” says Mike. Watch the rest of the conversation here. On MSNBC.

Mike Barnicle and Michael Schmidt on Hillary Clinton and Sidney Blumenthal

On Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle talks with The New York Times’ Michael Schmidt about Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton’s scrutinized relationship with Sidney Blumenthal, a personal counselor, who advised her on Libya during her time as Secretary of State. “Sidney Blumenthal’s relationship was with whom? Certain people who wanted to do business with Libya as it was imploding? And do we know whether Blumenthal had any business relationship with contractors?,” asks Mike. Listen to Michael Schmidt discuss his latest reporting on the issue. Only on MSNBC.

Mike Barnicle on presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton’s campaign strategy

Mike Barnicle, The Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson and Morning Joe’s Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski discuss presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton’s campaign strategy and her Iowa coffee shop stop. Mike says: “This is her first week of spring training.” Listen to the rest of the conversation about how Hillary Clinton is stacking up against other potential presidential candidates.

Mike Barnicle on presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton’s recent Iowa campai...

Mike Barnicle and the Morning Joe crew discuss the events surrounding presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton’s recent Iowa campaign stop. Mike weighs in on a key issue she faces saying: “She’s basically been living in a protective cocoon for 30 years.” See the entire exchange here, only on MSNBC.

Mike Barnicle and Hardball’s Chris Matthews discuss Hillary Clinton’...

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle and Hardball’s Chris Matthews have a lively discussion on how Hillary Clinton should announce her candidacy for the Presidential run. Mike begins the conversation by asking: “What if she just went into a diner in Iowa and said….”. See the rest of their exchange here.

Mike Barnicle talks about Hillary Clinton’s private email problem

On Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle and the team talk about Hillary Clinton’s private email problem and the question of whether foreign money was funneled to her Clinton Foundation while she was serving as Secretary of State. Says Mike, the public is less interest in the fact that the emails were private than they are in following the money trail. Hear the discussion here on msnbc.

Mike Barnicle discusses concerns over Hillary Clinton

On Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle and the team discuss Hillary Clinton-related criticisms and especially concerns over her use of a personal email account while Secretary of State. “You get the sense that Hillary Clinton’s biggest problem is the weight of 30 years of what are supposed to be explanations but sound like excuses. People are going to be thinking, when she does run for President, enough is enough,” says Mike. Watch the conversation only on msnbc.

Mike Barnicle asks “Can anyone emerge as the Left’s alternative to Hillary Clint...

“Can anyone emerge as the Left’s alternative to Hillary Clinton?,” Mike Barnicle asks Mike Allen of Politico addressing open questions on the political landscape for 2015. Watch the conversation on Morning Joe.