Search Results for: "hillary clinton"
Gowdy on the Clinton email issue

U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) joins Morning Joe’s senior contributor Mike Barnicle to discuss the recent resurgence in interest surrounding Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s email scandal following the FBI’s statement that the investigation will resume. Barnicle asks Gowdy: “When the next Congress convenes in a few weeks in January, can the American public look forward to more and continuing investigations of the email server and Secretary Clinton and perhaps President-elect Clinton at that point?” Listen in to hear Gowdy’s response.

Clinton v. Comey

“The danger of the Clinton campaign going on the attack against (FBI Director James) Comey, while understandable, … [is that] his character is unassailable… His judgment here certainly might be suspect in the eyes of many, but his character? No,” says Morning Joe’s senior contributor Mike Barnicle about Comey coming under fire for his decision so close to Election Day to announce another probe into the email problem that has dogged candidate Hillary Clinton for the entire campaign.

Weiner, the FBI, and the Clinton Foundation but not Russia?

“What’s so amazing to me is that we have the Russians tampering with an American election and it goes under the radar,” says Morning Joe senior contributor Mike Barnicle contrasting the alleged tampering with the rash of media attention around FBI Director James Comey’s decision to send a letter to Congress notifying them of the discovery of further emails found on a computer shared by former Rep. Anthony Weiner and his now estranged wife Huma Abedin, a longtime top aide to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Mike Barnicle on the Clinton Foundation turmoil

MSNBC’s Morning Joe co-host Willie Geist and senior contributor Mike Barnicle discuss the continuing controversy surrounding Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and her email problem and the issue of the Clinton Foundation.
Says Barnicle: “The Clintons have always operated under the premise, ‘Look, we’re going to do good things, so just don’t worry about us. Stop questioning our motives.’ But is the public buying that premise?

Mike Barnicle on the recent controversy surrounding the Clinton Foundation

With the Clinton Foundation enveloped in ongoing scrutiny and growing uncertainty, veteran columnist and Morning Joe regular Mike Barnicle sums up the recent controversy. “I don’t know anyone who questions the good works that have been done by the organization… It gets to judgment, it doesn’t get to corruption as far as I’m concerned.” What’s next for the Foundation and how might it restructure if Hillary Clinton were to be elected President? Find out here.

Mike Barnicle on the ongoing relationship between the Clintons and private money

Veteran columnist Mike Barnicle and the Morning Joe panelists discuss the ongoing relationship between the Clintons and private money, citing the insider access it seems to provide. Barnicle suggests: “To make it easier, prior to (Hillary Clinton’s) election we’re going to establish an easy-pass lane so that you can come with your tributes [and] you don’t have to stop at the toll booth.” The rest of the conversation is here.

Mike Barnicle on the “breathtaking” report about the Clinton Foundat...

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, panel members reacted to the “breathtaking” report by the Associated Press that shows that donors to the Clinton Foundation gained special access to the State Department “to a large extent.” Veteran columnist Mike Barnicle opines: “If (Hillary Clinton) were running against a more credible opponent, this would perhaps be almost a death note because rather than get to corruption, at first, it gets to judgment. What were they thinking?” Follow the rest of the conversation here.

Mike Barnicle talks with Frank Bruni about his column “Hillary’s Summer of...

On Morning Joe, veteran columnist Mike Barnicle talks with journalist Frank Bruni about his recent column for The New York Times: “Hillary’s Summer of Love” that suggests that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump “is the best thing that ever happened to Hillary Clinton. He’s definitely the strangest. With his fits of pique, spasms of ignorance and flashes of demagogy, he has turned the G.O.P.’s favorite bogeywoman into its summer crush. I haven’t seen a love story this unlikely since “Harold and Maude,” writes Bruni. But when speaking of Trump, Barnicle says: “He has a base of voters that aren’t … going to go anywhere but with him and for him and by creating this sense… that the election is rigged he is setting up another illegitimate presidency.” Listen in on the conversation here on MSNBC.

Mike Barnicle on the Clinton strategy of playing “the Commander in Chief c...

Following the unveiling of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s newest campaign ads branding her Republican presidential nominee challenger Trump as unfit for office, veteran columnist Mike Barnicle and the experts on Morning Joe discuss the Clinton strategy that utilizes “one of the underestimated cards they were going to play … the Commander in Chief card and it seems to be having some effect.” Listen in on the discussion here, only on MSNBC.

Mike Barnicle on the GOP’s party loyalty vs. Clinton hatred

With the presidential election three months out, veteran columnist Mike Barnicle and the Morning Joe panel talk about the recent double bind that many Republicans find themselves in: remaining loyal to their party and voting for nominee Donald Trump or voting for his Democratic challenger Hillary Clinton. “Have you ever in your memory encountered a luckier campaign than the Clinton campaign?” asks Barnicle of BBC World News America presenter Katty Kay. Hear her response and what this means for the Trump campaign.

Mike Barnicle on Bill Clinton’s speech at the DNC

Live in Philadelphia discussing former President Bill Clinton’s speech at the Democratic National Convention on Day 2 about his wife, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle says he gave “you more more insight into his wife” and “more personal anecdotes about his wife than you got all last week at the Republican National Convention.” Listen in on the conversation and the comparisons between what is being seen here at the DNC compared to last week’s Republican National Convention. On MSNBC.

Mike Barnicle on the escalated war of words between Sanders and Clinton

“This is going to be a 12-day tension convention in New York state between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton,” says Mike of the race between Senator Bernie Sanders and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination. Listen in on the Morning Joe discussion about the escalated war of words, including claims of being unqualified for office, between Sanders and Clinton. Only on MSNBC.

Mike Barnicle on the latest developments surrounding Clinton’s email scandal

As the federal investigation into Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s email use as U.S. Secretary of State continues, Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle sums up the campaign’s predictable response: “What they will say is that they’re glad Bryan Pagliano [the former State Department staffer who set-up Clinton’s private email server] is testifying with immunity because they view his testimony as perhaps being favorable to Hillary Clinton’s case… but the time table of this issue popping up is certainly unhelpful in the public’s eye.” Listen to the Morning Joe panel’s comments on the latest developments surrounding Clinton’s email scandal here.

Mike Barnicle asks Carly Fiorina about her personal attack on the Clinton’...

In an interview with Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina, Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle asks Fiorina specifically about her personal attack related to the marriage of former President Bill Clinton and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. “What information do you have about the Clintons’ marriage and their relationship that we, apparently, don’t have?” Hear Fiorina’s answer here and why she believes there are no subjects off limits in the race for the White House. Only on MSNBC.