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The Truth About Russia

“The tentacles of the Russian story are strangling his presidency in terms of getting anything done legislatively in Congress,” says Morning Joe veteran columnist Mike Barnicle during the show’s ongoing conversation about the most recent reports that Donald Trump Jr. – President Donald Trump’s son – secretly met with a Russian lawyer during the election process after being promised damaging information on then presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Listen in on the discussion here.

Position of Peril?

While the Morning Joe panel discusses reporting in The New York Times that Donald Trump Jr. – President Donald Trump’s son – met with a Russian lawyer during the election process after being promised damaging information on then presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, senior contributor Mike Barnicle explains: “One of the keys to the story…is the line that `three advisers to the White House were briefed on the meeting,’ indicated to The Times that the meeting did occur. That would seem to indicate that they feel that Donald Trump Jr. has placed his father in some position of peril.” Hear more about the story and situation here with hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski.

FBI Finds Document a Fake

Morning Joe senior contributor Mike Barnicle speaks with The New York Times’ Michael Schmidt about a secret document that officials say played a key role in then-FBI Director James Comey’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation and has long been viewed within the FBI as unreliable. “Michael, pursuing the FBI angle in this and the FBI’s involvement in this, the timing of the document: It’s an email from Debbie Wasserman Schultz to someone who supposedly works for an organization funded by George Soros. Why did it take so long to conclude that it was a fake?” asks Barnicle. Hear Schmidt’s response here.

President Obama’s role as the outgoing commander in chief

During the Morning Joe discussion of President Barack Obama’s final news conference and handling of the transition, senior contributor Mike Barnicle said: “There was a particular moment in that press conference when he went on for two or three minutes with rhetoric that if (Democratic presidential nominee) Hillary Clinton had used the same rhetoric during the course of her campaign it may have had a different result. The election may have had a different result because he addressed those left behind and lost in the system who feel that their children have been neglected and won’t do as well as they have done in this country. He was talking to Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin.” Tune in to listen to hear the conversation among the Morning Joe panel: host Joe Scarborough, The New York Times’ Jeremy Peters and Barnicle about President Obama’s role as the outgoing commander in chief.

Mike Barnicle comments on president-elect cabinet selections

As the Morning Joe conversation shifts to the regularity in which a president-elect selects for his cabinet perceived rivals over others considered close supporters, veteran columnist Mike Barnicle comments: “In 2008, when incoming President-Elect [Barack] Obama selected Hillary Clinton, there was a level of consternation among his close supporters that he was going to choose Hillary Clinton for secretary of state. The odds were it was going to be John Kerry… It didn’t happen.” Listen to the rest of the conversation here by the panel and Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough. Only on MSNBC.

“There’s real anger about inequity–class was the issue, income...

“In retrospect, it’s easy to look at it in the rear-view mirror and indict [Hillary Clinton’s] campaign. It was a very well-run campaign. But gender wasn’t the only issue here. [There was] rage, frustration, and anxiety among the voters. There’s real anger about inequity–class was the issue, income was the issue,” explains Morning Joe senior contributor Mike Barnicle as the panel discusses President Obama’s support for Clinton and his mandate for the Democrats in the wake of the country’s election of Donald Trump.

Mike Barnicle on Bernie Sanders’ comments on ABC’s The View

“[Bernie Sanders] is right. He’s absolutely right,” proclaims Morning Joe senior contributor Mike Barnicle as the show’s panel reacts to Senator Bernie Sanders’ comments on ABC’s The View that working class voters didn’t believe in Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, and that the Democratic party hasn’t been as strong as it should be. Tune in for more discussion about the problems in the Democratic party here.

Mike Barnicle on Trump’s unexpected victory

“I’m sure there was a reverse Bradley effect in some quarters. I have no doubt about that, but I think in the country at large there was no reverse Bradley effect. It was just people who were going to vote for Donald Trump no matter what—no matter what he said, no matter what he did and no matter how he behaved. They were determined to vote for Donald Trump, and they were ignored. They were ignored by pollsters. They were ignored by the media. They showed up yesterday in astounding numbers. A wave of people across the country. I think it rendered both political parties in this moment irrelevant,” explains Morning Joe senior contributor Mike Barnicle as the show’s panel discusses how Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump became the election victor despite pre-election polls clearly indicating Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton would be the winner. Listen to more of the panel’s thoughts on Trump’s unexpected victory here.

“You’re right…that is the word… ‘pertinent.'”

“If [FBI Director James Comey] had shown that letter he put out to a decent lawyer, the lawyer would have taken out the word ‘pertinent’ and the letter may have worked,” says Morning Joe senior contributor Mike Barnicle as the show’s panel examines what changes Comey could have made to improve his communication with Congress about the FBI’s additional investigation into the private email server emails of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Replied show host Joe Scarborough: “You’re right…that is the word… ‘pertinent.'” Click for more of the discussion here.

“Please, come out and vote.”

“The race is tightening. [Clinton’s campaign] doesn’t want to have happen to them what happened to (presidential candidate) John Kerry in 2004 when his campaign ended, and they had about $20 million left in the bank. Spend it. Get it out there. Reinforce what strengths you have in those states. There is a shrinking base of black voters who will come out in support of Hillary Clinton. There’s an increasing awareness among voters as we approach Tuesday [thinking] ‘I don’t like either candidate’….So I would assume spending in those states is targeted to (those) groups: I’m begging you, please, come out and vote,” explains Morning Joe senior contributor Mike Barnicle during a panel discussion about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s efforts to win over unconvinced or undecided voters through increasing her ad buys in the final week before the election. Hear more on the discussion here.

James Comey’s reasoning on sending a letter to Congress

“That has to be part of (FBI) director Comey’s motivation for issuing the letter because he knew somebody like (The Wall Street Journal’s) Devlin Barrett, who we had on (the show) yesterday, was completely sourced in the story. (Comey) didn’t want to see a story on the front page of The Wall Street Journal with the leaked information. So, he took control and went ahead,” explains Morning Joe senior contributor Mike Barnicle during a conversation about the reasoning behind FBI Director James Comey’s decision to send a letter to Congress concerning a new FBI investigation into additional emails tied to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Hear the conversation here.

Emails v. Russia?

“One of the things that goes unspoken of, to a large extent, is Russian interference in the American political process,” comments Morning Joe senior contributor Mike Barincle in conversation with Rep. and House Committee on Benghazi chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.). “Would you care to rank, in terms of priority, Hillary Clinton’s emails versus the clearly established Russian interference in our electoral process? Which is more important?” Listen in to hear Gowdy’s response and comparisons.

Mike Barnicle on the “aggravated voter”

“There is a selective group of people out there. I’ll call them the aggravated voter. They haven’t voted yet. They are available, and you don’t know what this is going to trigger in them. They are aggravated enough that both candidates bother them. So, which candidate is going to bother them the least when they finally do vote? That’s the question,” says Morning Joe senior columnist Mike Barnicle about how the latest news concerning Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s email controversy could effect voter behavior in the final week of the presidential race. Tune in to listen to more of the conversation here.

Mike Barnicle talks about the undecided voters

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, senior contributor Mike Barnicle said the undecided, reluctant voters are “the specific target for Hillary Clinton and her campaign. It’s going after exactly those people…trying to make the solid impression that… it’s going to be either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump; it won’t be any of the third party candidates.” Watch more of the panel discussion here.

Millennial Voters Connection

As the fight continues on to lock down the millennial vote for the 2016 presidential election, Katty Kay from BBC World News America, Mark Halperin from Bloomberg Politics, and MSNBC’s Mike Barnicle discuss what what it was about Sen. Bernie Sanders that helped him connect so strongly with young voters. Says Barnicle of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign: “They can’t rely on Bernie Sanders to turn this millennial thing around, she has to do it herself.” More on Morning Joe.

Mike Barnicle on the disclosure of the Presidential candidates’ medical hi...

Following up on former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s statement that “all you have to do to find out about Hillary Clinton’s health is [to] check it out on the internet,” Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle asks former Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson his opinion on the situation. “What do you think about [Hillary Clinton’s] health and what do you think about what Rudy Giuliani is doing?” Hear what Carson has to say, here on MSNBC.

Mike Barnicle on Donald Trump’s remark about the 2nd Amendment

“Donald Trump’s candidacy… is now toxic to democracy,” says Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle in reference to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s controversial suggestion of halting his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton by way of 2nd Amendment. Hear the rest of the conversation here.

Mike Barnicle on the potential of a Trump comeback

Following a recent poll showing that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump trails his Democratic challenger Hillary Clinton by 13 points, RealClearPolitics’ senior elections analyst Sean Trende and veteran columnist Mike Barnicle discuss the potential of a Trump comeback as candidates have done in elections past. “In 1988, the big difference there is something that doesn’t exist today: The Bush campaign had extraordinary discipline,” explains Barnicle. Hear the rest of the conversation here.

Mike Barnicle talks with David Ignatius about the psychology of Donald Trump

With new polls showing Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton ahead of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in the race for the White House, Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle and the panel discuss The Washington Post’s David Ignatius’s recent article “Why Facts Don’t Matter to Trump’s Supporters.” Barnicle asks him Ignatius how he would explain Trump’s “inability to understand the concept of loss with the Khan family.” Hear the conversation here.

Mike Barnicle on the polls following the DNC and RNC

With recent polls showing that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton increasing her lead over Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, veteran columnist Mike Barnicle and the Morning Joe panel discuss the recent political shifts following the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. “No one has witnessed what we’ve seen all year long,” says Barnicle. “I can only imaging what that jump would be if they go in the field to take a poll now after these last three days.” Listen in on the conversation and what this means for the two candidates moving forward.