Search Results for: "hillary clinton"
Mike Barnicle on Vladamir Putin’s possible intrusion in the U.S. political...

On Morning Joe, the conversation turned toward Russia’s potential role in aiding the campaign of Republican Donald Trump and hurting that of Democrat Hillary Clinton by hacking into the DNC’s emails, leading to the ouster of chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz. “People in the State Department are fearful everyday of the Russians; they hacked into the White House,” says Barnicle in regard to Russian president Vladamir Putin’s possible intrusion in the U.S. political election. Follow the MSNBC discussion here.

Mike Barnicle on the recent email scandal involving DNC head Debbie Wasserman Sc...

With the first day of the Democratic National Convention officially underway, MSNBC contributor and veteran columnist Mike Barnicle and the show’s panel of experts discuss the recent email scandal involving DNC head Debbie Wasserman Schultz and what her place may be at this week’s convention as the Democrats attempt to put on a unified front and support candidate Hillary Clinton. “What’s wrong with the person who did not go in that room and say ‘Debbie, you’re gone!” asks Barnicle. Hear the rest of the conversation here.

Mike Barnicle describes this presidential race as the “unpopularity contest”

With a recent poll in Michigan showing Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton leading her Republican challenger Donald Trump by 42% to 39%, Morning Joe’s veteran columnist and contributor Mike Barnicle describes this presidential race as the “unpopularity contest” in which America is waiting “to see which of these two hugely unpopular candidates emerges with the presidency.” Follow along with the conversation here.

Mike Barnicle: “Voters are seeking change; they also want something different.”...

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, panelists discussed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s challenge to overcome her Republican challenger Donald Trump’s marketing advantage as the “change candidate.” “Voters are seeking change; they also want something different,” notes veteran columnist Mike Barnicle. “Trump is standing on a stage with people on both sides of the aisle—people running in the democratic primary, in the republican primary—he’s the only one who’s different.”

TIME magazine’s Washington bureau chief Michael Scherer stops by Morning Joe and...

TIME magazine’s Washington bureau chief Michael Scherer stops by Morning Joe to talk about Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders and his campaign, which is showing continued, significant anger and vitriol against rival presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Asks veteran columnist and MSNBC contributor Mike Barnicle: “Do you get the sense… that he is really hurting Hillary Clinton’s campaign and intends to hurt her home going forward, right up to the convention?” Says Scherer: “That’s the most interesting question here.” Listen to Scherer’s answer and discussion of the race between Clinton and Sanders for the Democratic candidacy.

Mike Barnicle on what Bernie Sanders’ priorities might be going forward

“Is there any level of concern within the Bernie Sanders’ camp that if he continues his campaign against Hillary Clinton’s credibility or background it–in a funny way–diminishes Sanders himself?,” Mike Barnicle asks Bloomberg Politics’ Mark Halperin about the contest between Democratic candidates Senator Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. Watch the conversation between Barnicle and the Morning Joe panel on what Sanders’ priorities might be going forward now that his chances of the nomination are ever dimmer.

Mike Barnicle weighs in on the discussion of Elizabeth Warren running for presid...

Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle weighs in on the hypothetical discussion of whether Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), if she had ran for president, would have done any better than Bernie Sanders against Hillary Clinton: “Bernie Sanders has believed what he believes for 50 years and this is the culmination of his professional and political life. He gets up there and exhibits a raw energy, mixed with anger and an understanding of issues. I don’t think [Elizabeth Warren] would have done better,” says Barnicle.

The Reverend Al Sharpton joins Morning Joe and talks with Mike Barnicle

Following Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s speech at the 25th annual National Action Network convention, the Reverend Al Sharpton joins Morning Joe and talks with Mike Barnicle about the Clintons standing with African-American voters. “President Bill Clinton’s 1994 crime bill didn’t begin the age of mass incarceration, it began well before, but what do you want to see the next President of the United States do to implement things that were not in the bill,” asks Barnicle of Sharpton. Watch the exchange between Barnicle and Sharpton on undoing the damage that caused a surge in mass incarcerations of generations of African-Americans across the country.

Mike Barnicle talks with MSNBC’s economic analyst Steve Rattner

As contributions from banks and Wall Street continue to be a large part of the Democratic debate between presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, MSNBC’s economic analyst Steve Rattner joins Morning Joe to share his insights on the topic with Mike Barnicle and the MSNBC panel. “What has happened to the smaller banks that Senator Bernie Sanders favors, the community banks, which he says would be a vital part of rebuilding America?,” asks Barnicle of Rattner. Watch the conversation here.

Mike Barnicle on Bernie Sanders “Forget the polls, why would he get out”

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle reacts to Bernie Sanders’ impressive campaign rally at Washington Square Park in New York City, which was attended by an estimated 27,000 people. “Forget the polls, why would he get out,” says Barnicle of Sanders’ campaign for President of the United States. Watch as Barnicle and the panel discuss the Democratic candidate’s latest efforts in New York and whether Senator Sanders, born and raised in Brooklyn, or Hillary Clinton, former U.S. Senator for the state, has a better handle on the people of the city and their needs.

Mike Barnicle outlines Senator Bernie Sanders’ appeal

“It’s amazing how much of the energy and movement behind Bernie Sanders that the Hillary Clinton campaign missed for so long,” Mike Barnicle tells Charlie Rose of the Democratic presidential contest between Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders. Watch as Barnicle outlines Senator Sanders’ appeal, unique consistency and chances in the upcoming New York primary. Only on Charlie Rose.

“I would no longer call Bernie Sanders’ campaign an insurgent campaign.”...

“I would no longer call Bernie Sanders’ campaign an insurgent campaign—it’s a legitimate, full-blown presidential campaign. Everywhere he has been able to spend a sustained period of time on the ground, he really moves the needle…. In upstate New York, you have a built-in audience for his message,” says Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle of Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders as his campaign looks ahead to challenging Hillary Clinton in New York. Watch Barnicle and Bloomberg Politics’ Mark Halperin discuss Senator Sanders’ advantages.

Mike Barnicle on the “enlightening” Democratic presidential debate

Following another of what Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle called “enlightening” Democratic presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders last night, Barnicle, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski discuss the vast differences in rhetoric between Democrats and Republicans, including Hillary Clinton’s ongoing issues with voters. “There are two electoral maps that are instructive as to the difficulty her campaign is now in the middle of coping with—one is from Massachusetts and the other is from Michigan, Democratic strongholds in a sense. Bernie Sanders carries, across the board, working class people and young people… while Clinton, despite being in politics for 30 years, has trouble addressing her message to that group of people. She’s losing them—and that does not bode well for her in the fall,” says Barnicle. Hear the rest of the conversation here.

Mike Barnicle talks with former U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey

On Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle and former U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey discuss Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s ongoing email server investigation. “Why has it taken so long for the Justice Department to grant [Bryan Pagliano, the former State Department staffer who set-up Clinton’s private email server] immunity?,” asks Mike. Listen to Mukasey’s analysis on MSNBC.

Mike Barnicle talks with CNBC’s Brian Sullivan

“How does the issue of wage stagnation, which I think is the biggest underlying economic issue, play out in an election?,” Mike Barnicle asks CNBC’s Brian Sullivan of a possible general presidential election between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump. Listen to Sullivan’s analysis on the labor union members’ impact on the election and the Morning Joe conversation about Super Tuesday election results.

Mike Barnicle on the layers in Bernie Sanders’ message

“Eventually there is a merger of race and class in his message—which he has been consistently articulating for over four decades—and everyone out there, everyone, knows that it is a combination of race and class and too many people in this country living at the edge, paycheck-to-paycheck, daring not to dream beyond this weekend,” says Mike of the layers in Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ message despite his campaign’s struggle to win over black voters. Listen to Mike’s outlook for Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) going forward here and watch the Morning Joe conversation on Sanders’ uphill race against fellow candidate Hillary Clinton. On MSNBC.

The “white-knuckled” Democratic presidential race in Nevada

The Washington Post’s Anne Gearan talks with Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle about the “white-knuckled” Democratic presidential race in Nevada between Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders. “You hear anecdotally that there is beginning to be increasingly bitter infighting in the Clinton campaign. How can this happen again?,” asks Mike of the deja vu in Clinton’s campaign. Watch the discussion here and listen to Gearan share her insights on MSNBC.

Mike Barnicle on Elizabeth Warren’s influence on the race for the White House

On the heels of a virtual tie in Iowa between Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Mike Barnicle and the Morning Joe crew discuss Senator Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) influence on the Democratic race for the White House and Clinton’s persistent flaws as a candidate. “Hillary Clinton is a very strong candidate, there’s no doubt about that, but she does have a couple of weaknesses that she seems unable to deal with: the lack of attraction to younger voters and the fact that Bernie Sanders has captured a message for the disaffected Democrats. And that’s not going to go away,” says Mike of Clinton’s campaign struggles. Watch the discussion here on Hillary Clinton and the “what ifs” surrounding Senator Warren’s decision not to run in 2016. On MSNBC.

Mike Barnicle on Bernie Sanders’ campaign fundraising momentum in January alone...

Live from Des Moines, Iowa, on a special broadcast of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, the panel discusses the influencing factors in the close race between Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. “The $20 million from over 700,000 individuals is stunning!,” says Mike of Senator Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) campaign fundraising momentum in January alone. Watch the discussion here and listen to Mike’s comments on serious pending developments surrounding former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email controversy.

Bernie Sanders’ campaign manager Jeff Weaver talks with Mike Barnicle

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ campaign manager Jeff Weaver talks with Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle about a recent Washington Post editorial critical of Sanders and the possibility of more debates with fellow candidate Hillary Clinton. “Given the tone of the editorial, why the hesitation of jumping into another debate next week before the New Hampshire primary?,” asks Mike of Senator Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) decision to sit out an upcoming, unsanctioned debate sponsored by MSNBC and The New Hampshire Union Leader. Listen in on the conversation here.