Search Results for: "hillary clinton"
Justin T. Bamberg joins Morning Joe and talks with Mike Barnicle

South Carolina state Representative Justin T. Bamberg (D), the lawyer who represented the family of police-shooting victim Walter Scott, joins Morning Joe and talks with Mike Barnicle about switching his support from Hillary Clinton to Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in the race for the White House. “Once you educated yourself as to Sen. Sanders’ positions you changed your mind and decided to support him. Which positions specifically caused you to change your mind?,” asks Mike. Listen to Rep. Bamberg’s response here on why he now, as someone who represents a poor and rural constituency, better identifies with Bernie Sanders. On MSNBC.

For The Daily Beast: Bernie Mania is Rea...

In his latest column for The Daily BeastMike Barnicle takes a look at a struggling America—from the dwindling middle class comprised of families living paycheck-to-paycheck to the marginalized residents of Flint, Michigan, who don’t have safe water to drink—and the people finding hope in the presidential campaign of a 74-year-old socialist from Vermont, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders. “Sanders has never wavered from his core beliefs across four decades. Now, the cross-currents of culture, politics, endless war, anxiety, frustration, a 2008 economic collapse of markets and confidence have swirled together to present Hillary Clinton with a ghost of 2008: A man, another man, whose time may have simply arrived… for the moment,” writes Mike of Bernie Sander’s threat to Hillary Clinton’s campaign ahead of the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries. Read Mike’s column here on the undeniable effects of the Bernie Sanders campaign for The White House.

Bernie Mania is Real and Powerful

Mike Barnicle on Donald Trump’s statements being used in ISIS recruiting s...

“I’d buy that,” says Mike Barnicle of the general premise that ISIS terrorists are in some way using Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s statements in their recruiting strategy. “It is a fact. I had a long conversation with someone who is very knowledgeable with what ISIS is doing overseas video-wise. He was comparing the ISIS videos to our attempts to counteract ISIS, which are pathetic. We’re sending out high school videos against very professional videos that could have been done by Steven Soderbergh.” Watch the Morning Joe discussion here on the back and forth between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton over her claims that Trump’s speeches are recruiting tools for ISIS. Only on MSNBC.

Mike Barnicle on the technical glitch with the committee’s voter list

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, discussion turned to Senator Bernie Sanders’ (D-VT) aides gaining access to fellow presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s voter data during a technical glitch with the committee’s voter list. The response from the Democratic National Committee, prompted panelist Mike Barnicle to comment: “The reaction is so over the top… it’s almost enough to make you want to go out and get a Bernie Sanders bumper sticker.” Hear the whole conversation about what the data breach and reach to it means for Sanders, Clinton and the party.

“The language of fear is nearly universal in politics”

“The language of fear is nearly universal in politics… and we have people running for President using the language of fear. We’ve been at war for 15 years, so you can understand people’s fear—but it also is a prime opportunity for the language of reason to address this fear. And one of the things that has surprised me about former Secretary Clinton’s language is she hasn’t adapted yet to language of reason in combating her opponents,” observes Mike Barnicle of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign strategy in engaging terrorism fears across the country. Watch Mike’s conversation with former Governor Howard Dean (D-VT) on Clinton’s tactics here. Only on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

Branding expert Charles Koppelman talks with Mike Barnicle

Branding expert Charles Koppelman joins MSNBC’s Morning Joe and discusses with Mike Barnicle and the panel the “brands” of the current field of 2016 presidential candidates. Tune in here for his keen observations on Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, the nature of luck vs. truth, and the mystery behind the growing support for Dr. Ben Carson.

The Morning Joe panel on Mike Barnicle’s latest column for The Daily Beast

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, the panel discusses Mike Barnicle’s latest column for The Daily Beast, which addresses the ongoing disconnect between American politicians and the men and women who give their lives for our failed policies, such as Sgt. Joshua Wheeler. “By the time Trey Gowdy and Hillary Clinton finished their opening remarks at Thursday’s congressional inquiry on Benghazi, Joshua Wheeler was dead in Iraq half a world away from Washington where policy is set that sends men just like him to the fight. Sgt. Wheeler was a 39-year-old, highly decorated Army veteran of 14 deployments to the long wars waged in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Across the weekend, both sides involved in Thursday’s Benghazi hearings spun their stories hoping for political advantage. On Saturday, largely unnoticed, Master Sgt. Joshua Wheeler’s body was returned to the United States of America, his home, land of his birth,” writes Mike. Listen to the conversation here and read the full column at

Mike Barnicle with Mike McCaul on Benghazi

“Is there a central point that you’d like to see answered at the end of this day having to do with security at the consulate in Benghazi?,” asks Mike Barnicle of Rep. Mike McCaul (R-TX), ahead of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s testimony to the United States House Select Committee on Benghazi. Listen to Rep. McCaul, chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security, discuss his concerns over the possible failures behind the tragedy in Benghazi here. Only on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

Mike Barnicle talks with Barney Frank

Joining MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Barney Frank, former Democratic congressman from Massachusetts, gives Mike Barnicle his take on the current political landscape. Watch the conversation between Mike and Frank here and listen to the former longtime member of the U.S. House of Representatives share his analysis on Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump and more.

Mike Barnicle on Joe Biden running for president

Following last night’s first Democratic presidential debate, aired on CNN and dominated by front-runner Hillary Clinton, Mike Barnicle discusses the lingering possibility that Vice President Joe Biden will decide to join the race for the presidency. “He’s going to be thinking about his family first. If he has any chance of running and winning this nomination it’s going to come because of events that are unforeseen…,” says Mike of Vice President Biden’s decision process. Watch the discussion on Biden here, along with Mike and the Morning Joe panel poking a little fun at former Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee’s stumbling performance at the debate. Only on MSNBC.

Mike Barnicle highlights the risk for presidential Bernie Sanders

Ahead of tonight’s CNN/Facebook Democratic Debate in Las Vegas, Mike Barnicle highlights the only possible risk for presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT): “Bernie comes armed with confidence and conviction, but if he loses his temper—and he can be fairly thin skinned—he has something to lose.” Watch the conversation on the Democratic field and the pressure on frontrunner Hillary Clinton. Only on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

Mike Barnicle on tomorrow’s CNN/Facebook Democratic Debate

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle sums up what Senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders (D-VT) needs to do during tomorrow’s CNN/Facebook Democratic Debate: “Not lose his temper.” Watch the conversation on both the Democratic—Bernie Sanders vs. Hillary Clinton—and the Republican—Donald Trump’s ongoing popularity—presidential races here.

Mike Barnicle on President Obama’s interview on CBS’s 60 Minutes

Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle reacts to President Barack Obama’s recent interview on CBS’s 60 Minutes, during which correspondent Steve Kroft asked the President about Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal email server during her time as Secretary of State. “I don’t think the President would go on national TV and say national security wasn’t threatened unless it wasn’t… I don’t think he would risk the embarrassment of having it slapped back at him,” says Mike of President Obama’s comments. Watch excerpts from the interview here and listen to the conversation. Only on MSNBC.

Mike Barnicle on Carly Fiorina’s gaining popularity despite her business r...

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle considers the latest polls in the 2016 presidential race and potential Republican matchups against Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT). Take a look at the latest numbers from the NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist polls out of Iowa and New Hampshire here, which show Sanders outperforming Clinton. Listen to Mike’s take on why Republican candidate Carly Fiorina is gaining popularity despite her business record.

Mike Barnicle’s opinion on Vice President Biden running for President

With Vice President Joe Biden’s favorability numbers climbing among potential voters considering him for the Presidency, despite his not having yet decided to enter the race, Mike Barnicle and the Morning Joe panel discuss what his popularity means for the election in general. “Those numbers really would indicate more of a worry about Hillary Clinton’s candidacy than the hope for Joe Biden’s candidacy, no?,” asks Mike. Watch the discussion on MSNBC and listen to Mike’s opinion about whether Vice President Biden will decide to run or not.

Mike Barnicle comments on Sen. Bernie Sanders’ conviction

“There’s no hesitancy in Bernie Sanders when he’s delivering the message. If you see him in the form, wherever he is, there’s total belief in his message and people buy it,” says Mike Barnicle of Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT), who has surged past fellow candidate Hillary Clinton in the primary polls out of New Hampshire. Listen to Mike’s comments on Sen. Sanders’ conviction here. Only on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

For The Daily Beast: What Will Joe Biden...

“It seemed like the welcome mat to 2016 was rolled out for the grieving Vice President this week. Will he go for it?,” ponders Mike Barnicle in his latest column for The Daily Beast. Following a moving and insightful interview on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” this week, Barnicle continues to cover the topic of whether or not Vice President Joe Biden will decide to run for the presidency in 2016. “The Vice President of the United States is an unusual man in a sour business spoiled by oceans of money, colossal egos, politicians who lean on pollsters and handlers before uttering a single sentence rather than rely on their own soul or common sense. He is, despite the trappings of his office, an actual human being,” writes Barnicle of VP Biden. Read the full column here and learn more about why Barnicle believes the Vice President and his politics of personal tragedy stand out in a positive light as Biden considers whether to jump into another presidential race and challenge—and contrast—Hillary Clinton.

What Will Joe Biden Do?

Josh Alcorn of the Draft Biden Super PAC talks with Mike Barnicle

As Democratic presidential front runner Hillary Clinton continues to slide in the polls, Josh Alcorn, Senior Advisor of the Draft Biden Super PAC, joins MSNBC’s Morning Joe and talks with Mike Barnicle about the organization’s efforts to lay the groundwork for a possible presidential run by Vice President Joe Biden. “Is there a logistical drop dead date in terms of getting the Vice President on the ballot in primary states? How far can you let it go?,” asks Mike.

Mike Barnicle: “The issue is larger than the emails now.”

“Like us, quite often, you say you’re sorry when you get yourself into a difficult situation… hoping that the apology will make the issue go away. I’m sure that’s what she hopes, but that’s not going to happen. The issue is not going to go away, because the issue is larger than the emails now. The issue is the whole 20-25 years of luggage that the Clintons bring,” says Mike Barnicle of Hillary Clinton making the rounds apologizing for her use of a private email server during her time as Secretary of State. “When does Bill Clinton become really involved in this campaign?,” asks Mike. Watch the MSNBC Morning Joe conversation on Hillary Clinton’s latest campaign attempts to improve her “likeability.”

MSNBC correspondent and author Joy-Ann Reid talks with Mike Barnicle

MSNBC correspondent and author Joy-Ann Reid joins Morning Joe and talks with Mike Barnicle about her new book, “Fracture,” which delves into the complicated relationship and allegiances between President Barack Obama, former President Bill Clinton and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. “How much of the root of this tension between the Clintons and Barack Obama has to do with an undefined sense that the Clintons seemed to have given off to Obama and others that ‘hey, we are more for civil rights than you are, you’re young, we’ve been doing this for years, don’t tell us anything’?,” asks Mike. Watch the conversation on the difficult Obama-Clinton relationship and what it means for the Democratic party here.