5/7/08: Democratic Primaries: Hillary has lost and needs to step aside. Results from Indiana and North Carolina.
Listen here: https://barnicle.969fmtalk.mobi/2008/05/07/5708-democratic-primaries.aspx
“Barnicle’s View”, with Mike Barnicle, Imus in the Morning, Monday-Wednesday-Friday, 6:55a & 8:55a.
5/5/08: Clinton and Obama campaigns and the upcoming primaries
Listen here: https://barnicle.969fmtalk.mobi/2008/05/05/5508-hillary-and-obama-campaigns.aspx
“Barnicle’s View”, with Mike Barnicle, Imus in the Morning, Monday-Wednesday-Friday, 6:55a & 8:55a.
5/2/08: PBS mini series “Carrier,” a 10-part series that focuses on a core group of shipmates during their six-month deployment on the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier.
Listen here: https://barnicle.969fmtalk.mobi/2008/05/02/5208-pbs-shows–5208.aspx
“Barnicle’s View”, with Mike Barnicle, Imus in the Morning, Monday-Wednesday-Friday, 655a & 855a.
4/30/08: The Rev. Wright and how dangerous a man he really is
Listen here: https://barnicle.969fmtalk.mobi/2008/04/30/43008-rev-wright.aspx
“Barnicle’s View”, with Mike Barnicle, Imus in the Morning, Monday-Wednesday-Friday, 655a & 855a.
4/28/08: A Lt. Colonel’s death in Iraq, Arlington National Cemetery
Listen here: https://barnicle.969fmtalk.mobi/2008/04/28/42808-iraq-story.aspx
“Barnicle’s View”, with Mike Barnicle, Imus in the Morning, Monday-Wednesday-Friday, 655a & 855a.
Imus in the Morning with Mike Barnicle. Talking about Gov. Deval Patrick, Obama speech taken from Patrick, Clinton campaign, primary results from last night, McCain campaign.
12/3/07: Barnicle’s View, good to hear Imus back on the radio
Listen here: https://barnicle.969fmtalk.mobi/2007/12/03/12307–barnicles-view-good-to-hear-imus-back-on-the-radio.aspx
MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and Mike Barnicle discuss the media’s scrutiny of Don Imus.
Mike Barnicle Program, on 96.9 FM Talk, WTKK-Boston. Guest: Col. Oliver North, host “War Stories with Oliver North” on FOX News Channel.
Guest: Evan Thomas, Newsweek Magazine, author, “Sea of Thunder”.
Guest: Pete Hamill, author, “North River”.
Guest: Jim Cramer, CNBC host “Mad Money”.
Guest Lt. Col. Rick Fancona, US Air Force (Ret.), MSNBC Military
Guest: Tim Russert, NBC News, host: “Meet The Press”.
Mike Barnicle Program, on 96.9 FM Talk, WTKK-Boston. Guest: Michael Graham, 10a-12n host on 96.9 FM Talk.
Guest: Pat Buchanan, MSNBC Political Analyst and author, “State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America”.
Mike Barnicle Podcast on 96.9 FMTALK WTKK, Guest: Paul Begala, CNN Political Analyst
Mike Barnicle Podcast on 96.9 FMTALK WTKK, Guest: Senator Jim Webb